A narcissist doesn't choose you because you are weak

Narcissists have a basic need to rid themselves of prevailing emptiness. They frequently achieve this by carefully choosing a victim who is then charmed, seduced and trapped. The victim’s energy feeds the stalker and provides what he lacks.
Being incapable of love, these narcissistic stalkers are ravaged by the furious envy they feel for those who truly enjoy life. We’re not talking of material assets, but of moral qualities: vitality, empathy, sensitivity, creativity, goals, and life projects. Besides, they’re not so easy to identify. They can easily switch their attitude from being charming and caring, to being ruthlessly critical and dismissive, feeding the victim’s confusion and self-doubt.

Narcissist stalkers frequently look for these 5 traits in their victims, some of which might surprise you (but are NEVER the victim’s fault):​

1. Above Average Intelligence.

Emotional stalkers seek very intelligent, really bright, highly skilled, well-trained victims. They look for enthusiasm and passion about their career.

2. Good Work Ethic and Personal Accountability.

3. Extreme Perfectionists.
Stalkers look for their victims to be very responsible and hard workers, always complying with an excellent achievement of responsibilities assigned.

4. Dependable and Always Ready to Help Others.

Victims tend to keep a low profile and have no wish to overshadow friends or work colleagues.

5. Underlying Low Self-Esteem and Low Self-Confidence.

Victims of emotional stalkers crave acknowledgement from their partner but can be humble and doubting their worthiness of it. 

A narcissist therefore is attracted to you because of your strength and good qualities and not because you are weak!


  1. Above Average Intelligence / Good Work Ethic and Personal Accountability
    - he prefers women who are employed. If she doesn't work, would push them to find one.
    - he got lucky this time that the new source is a creative director. Voila! Mirroring begins, haha!

  2. Yes I believe so

  3. My ex is 10 years older then me. I started dating him when I was 19. First love, didn't doubt his words at all. I'm 54 now. He's always been wealthy, I never had access to his money. Didn't want it actually. I was genuinely in love. Pure and naive. he said you don't have to work ever... we will be marred soon we had picked out baby names we had nursery set up my family adored him.
    Turns out he had children with another lady during this time. My life was a charade and 4 years ago I was completely cut from our life. It feels like death except you're alive just not worthy to be acknowledged.
    Everything was in his name. It's not always about the others wealth. He knew me my whole adult life. I had no family. Still don't.
    I am homeless and looking fir an apartment for the voucher I was given. No job history, no family references, especially no entail history. I'm being denied to even use housing voucher.
    I'm okay with riches to rags... I'm not okay with the residual effect of hos discard preventing me to be treated like a human being


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