
I am an English lady who lived in Bulgaria for 18 months which sadly did not turn out as I had hoped.

I was not new to Bulgaria's Black Sea Coast region as for 10 years I had owned an apartment there which I used regularly, even staying there for 6 months at a time on occassion on my own. I felt I knew Bulgaria and the culture well. I had learned to speak enough Bulgarian to get by and was familiar with the Bulgarian way of life.

I knew Bulgarians, in comparison, to the UK, still had a lot of outdated views and prejudices but I had never felt these were directed at British, German or Scandinavian tourists but was well aware of their dislike of Romanians and darker skinned people who were referred to openly as gypsys and niggers.

There also seemed to be some resentment towards Russians who did appear to treat Bulgarians as less superior to them and could be quite demanding!

There were some who resented Americans but most had never met one.
Being English, you are seen as rich and prices for services are inflated accordingly.

However I had the opinion that you could always refuse but in the main even the inflated prices were still very reasonable in comparison to the UK so I was happy to pay them.

Bulgarian customer service has always been somewhat lacking although slight improvements are starting to show.

The demeanor of most Bulgarians is a tendancy not to be too upbeat which you could perceive as being miserable but apparently it is seen as distasteful to be anything more than ok in public as shows of  prowess and boasting about how happy you are and how wonderful your life is  like a personal insult on your life.

I had put this down to all the years of communist rule where to put your head above the parapit was not done as all were equal with individuality going against the communist concept.

In the main I felt safe there and found the Bulgarian people friendly and accepting.

I was aware there was much corruption but I had never experienced the effects of this first hand.

To a degree the country is fairly lawless but to me this was refreshing after being used to the rules on rules and red tap in the UK designed to ensure health and safety and political correctness which I am of the opinion are totally over the top and have gone mad in places.

Bulgaria is a beautiful country and relatively unspoilt with a good climate and over 300 days of the year being sunny and the seasons defined. The cost of living is a third of the UK and with 90% of its produce being naturally organic, to live there in a dream home without having to work was a no brainer and so thats what I did!

Never did I ever anticipate just how bad it would turn out for me.

Instead of the dream life I had hoped for, my 18 months living in Bulgaria ended up destroying my relationship and pathed the way for a violent narcissist to enter and abuse me which left me penniless and having to flee the country in fear of my life as the police failed to protect me and consequently the repercussions of my time in Bulgaria is still destroying  my life now and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future!


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