What I learned from being in an abusive relationship

I have been out of the relationship with my ex narcissist boyfriend for nearly a year now and I still have no desire to have a relationship with anyone at the moment. What I learned from being with my ex narcissist boyfriend was that I was stronger than I realised and that there is nothing that life can throw at me now that I don't feel like I could survive. I have been through hell and I have lost everything because of it and I was shown very little support from my family and friends during the abusive relationship and after I got myself out of it. I therefore have realised that the only person I can ever count on is me and knowing this has made me feel empowered and that I am enough. I also have learned that I will always put myself and my needs first now and will think twice about helping others in the future as when the time that I needed help came after I had done so much for others, there was noone there for me!


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