
Narcissistic Abuse

My abuser  It was not until I started to write this blog that I realised that I had been in a relationship with a narcissist and was a victim of narcissistic abuse! Before my relationship with this man, I had an incorrect understanding of Narcissistic Behaviour; There are a lot of misconceptions about what narcissistic behaviour actually is and before my experience, I thought that  narcissism meant nothing more than a person being considerably more selfish and self centred than most, with an over cocky  and over inflated ego that boasted about themselves and perceived themselves as superior having little regard for others. I have added below a link for a more accurate description of narcissism and the traits of a narcissist..  I have made it my mission to learn alot from being abused by a narcissist and...


I am an English lady who lived in Bulgaria for 18 months which sadly did not turn out as I had hoped. I was not new to Bulgaria's Black Sea Coast region as for 10 years I had owned an apartment there which I used regularly, even staying there for 6 months at a time on occassion on my own. I felt I knew Bulgaria and the culture well. I had learned to speak enough Bulgarian to get by and was familiar with the Bulgarian way of life. I knew Bulgarians, in comparison, to the UK, still had a lot of outdated views and prejudices but I had never felt these were directed at British, German or Scandinavian tourists but was well aware of their dislike of Romanians and darker skinned people who were referred to openly as gypsys and niggers. There also seemed to be some resentment towards Russians who did appear to treat Bulgarians as less superior to them and could be quite demanding! There were some who resented Americans but most had never met one. Being English, you are se...