I felt I could do no more

I had tried every possible way to help Valeri help himself but I was getting nowhere fast!

We were just friends but I was feeling that my whole life revolved around him and I was out of my depth.

I was exhausted and could take no more so I had to ask him to leave as he said I should if it got too much.  I couldn't help him and needed time to recuperate.

I told him exactly that and that it wasnt personal and I could see I wasnt able to help him and needed some time to get my strength back.

I wanted him to leave for a while and I hoped it wasnt a problem as he had said I could tell him to go anytime if it got too much for me which it had..

Valeri was absolutely devastated by my request for him to leave but he did as I asked and as he promised he would and left.

However that evening he returned in floods of tears begging for me to not give up on him and promising to do whatever it took to get better.

I refused initially and did not let him in but he would not give up and when I went to bed he was outside my bedroom door weeping and begging for hours in the pouring rain..

I longed for him to go away but he would not and I felt so guilty in the end that I had no choice but to let him in.

Within days he was unbearable to be around and becoming aggressive so I asked him to leave but he refused and started to smash things up in my villa.

I ended up leaving around midnight as I could take no more and was feeling frightened that he could lose control and hurt me which although he claimed he wouldn't do, he had done in the past.

I went to my apartment where I barricaded the front door with a wardrobe just in case he came there in the night.

I hardly slept!

It was not until morning that he came but I refused to let him in and told him to go away as he was frightening me.

He said he was sorry and he wouldn't hurt me if I let him in but I just wanted him to go away which I asked him to do repeatedly.

He then kicked in the front door to my apartment and smashed threw the wardrobe in front of the door and then kicked in the door to my bedroom and to the bathroom where I had locked myself in. He was in so quickly and what seemed to me like a matter of minutes.

I was screaming and scared to death that he was going to hurt me. I tried to hold the bathroom door closed as a last minute attempt of safety but I was no match for his strength and I ended up hurting the hand he had broken previously in the process.

I was cowering in the corner begging him not to hurt me but he just grabbed me and hugged me and told me how much he loved me!

He said he promised he would never hit me again and hoped now that I believed him..

I was shaking from head to toe! I was in shocked and scared to death but also relived he had not hurt me as well as confused about whether he would still hurt me or whether I was safe.

Valeri said that we were to go back to the villa and I didnt argue. I said nothing about the damage he had done to my apartment and I said nothing about the damage he had done to my villa on returning.

Instead I went straight to bed as I felt cold and bewildered. He tucked me in and said he would clear up the mess and make us a meal.

I lay in bed and cried feeling that I had no choice but to go along with what he said.

Valeri later that evening asked me to deposit £200 to a betfair 365 account as he wanted to recoup the money he had cost me by smashing up my properties. I agreed and entered my bank details.

The next day he was full of the joys of spring having turned that amount into over £1800.

Rather than give me back the money he insisted on carrying on betting it and he was up £3500 when I went to bed that night and by morning it was gone and he was angry and claiming that I was to blame. He had smashed my home up again and I saw a handwritten sign on the side that said 'DIE'.

I kept calm and I left that day by making out I was going to walk Lula and come back but I had no intention of returning.

I went to the cash machine to draw out money to get the hell away from there but my bank card was declined..

I knew I had about £10,000 in my account so I presumed it was down to a problem  with the ATM which was not unusual in Byala.

It was Sunday so I could do nothing until the next day.

I couldnt go to my apartment as he would look there and now the door was kicked in I would not be safe.

I had no cash until the next day so I had no choice but to sleep in the car with Lula which I did in a remote track in the middle of nowhere.

First thing I was at the ATM again but I was still unable to get cash. I went into the bank and tried to do a withdrawal over the counter which was also declined.

I called the bank in the UK only to be told my bank account was empty.

Thinking it must be a mistake I requested info for the latest expenditure and was informed that I had deposited amounts of £2000, three times and then £4000, a total of £10,000 to Betfair 365 in the early hours of the Sunday morning....

That bastard had managed to clean out my bank account!

I had money in another account thank god but it would take 3 days for this to be transferred so I was screwed!

I still had the key to my friends apartment in the same block as my apartment but I knew that it would only be a matter of time until he would find me if I was in that building so I went to the police station.

The police told me to go away. I tried to explain that he had cleaned out my bank account, smashed up my home and apartment but they were not interested!

I went to my friends apartment that night and sat in the dark all night listening out for him to come to my apartment which was upstairs.

I heard footsteps outside and him go into my apartment and shout out to me at which point Lula barked..

I knew he had heard a bark so I had to hold her mouth shut.

He started to call out Lula's name and I had no choice but to keep her mouth held shut and restrain her as she tried to break free.

Lula was wimpering and struggling to get me off her and I was petrified that he had heard her but I then heard him go past the door and down the stairs and out of the building.

I knew he would come back so I got out of there as soon as I could and we slept in the car again.

I went past the villa the next day in the car and saw him at my bedroom window. I stopped the car and shouted out to him to leave my fucking home or I would call the police but he just laughed and shouted back to me that it was his house now!

I had no idea what I was going to do.

I ran the British Embassy and I screamed in desperation to the girl at the end of the phone. I ended up hanging up on her when she said that the police were my only option for help!

The British Embassy rang me back about 15 mins later and I was calmer then. She said she had spoken to the police and that I would hear from her later that day about what to do.

I had little hope that the police would help after my past experiences with them however the next morning I was stopped by the police in the street and taken to the station.

At first I was angry and resisted their requests to go with them but I was given little choice in the end and bundled into the police car with Lula.

On arrival at the station I saw Valeri sat outside with an officer so I refused to get out of the car.

Eventually he was taken inside and he didn't even look at me and I was then told by an English speaking policeman Valeri had been arrested in my home after a call from the British Embassy.

I was asked to make a statement about the damage he had done and the money he had taken and told I could go home and not to let him in and if he was in my street he would be arrested.

I went home and locked the doors and monitored the CCTV and Valeri did not return.

The next day I was informed that Valeri had tried to run from the police and as a result he had been taken to a mental institution...

It was finally over!


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