Lock down and alone

After the argument with Steven, I was upset and angry and did not wish him to return to the villa that evening, nor did I wish to see anyone so I locked all the doors. I wanted to be alone and I felt safe in my home despite the hacker as I knew I had checked every door and window to make sure they were all closed and locked.
I locked the doors to the bedrooms too and unplugged the internet and switched off all the devises such as TVs and computers and retired to the master suite. I had a relaxing aromatherapy bath and read for a while and gathered my thoughts. The doorbell rang and I could see it was Valeri so I ignored it.
It was a pleasant change to be alone and I felt relatively safe and slept well.
The next morning I did not wake until 11.00am..
It was a beautiful sunny day so I got dressed and opened the door from the master suite and was going to the roof terrace to sit for a while.
However as I made my way up the stairs, Valeri was there on the roof terrace... it was a shock to me as I did not expect to see him there so I ran back into the villa and locked the door.
He came to the door and I asked him what he was doing there and asked him to leave which I thought he had.
Within 10 mins or so I heard foots on the staircase inside and I was horrified when I got to the top of the stairs to see Valeri making his way upstairs.
I freaked out and screamed at him, wanting to know how he had got in. He claimed the backdoor was unlocked! I was certain though that I had locked it the night before!

I asked him to leave and told him he had frightened me!

He seemed a little surprised by my actions and after some hesitation he did leave.

I ran to the backdoor and locked it again.

I went back upstairs and when I looked out of the window, I saw him sittinģ in the garden.

I opened the window and screamed at him to leave again and said that I wanted to be alone and I felt uncomfortable to firstly see him on my roof terrace and then in my home. He seemed somewhat bewildered and even hurt that I was acting that way.

The neighbour opposite came out and spoke to him and he finally left.
I ran downstairs and made sure the gate was bolted and then locked myself in the house.
Within minutes the police arrived as it appeared the neighbour had called them after hearing me shouting.

The police spoke only basic English but they told me they had been called as I had an intruder. I told them who it was and that I wondered if he was the hacker as I didn't understand how he had got in when I was sure the door was locked. They asked where Steven was and said they would speak to Valeri.
They said they would go to the apartment to get Steven too as at that time I had no idea he had already left for England.
An hour or so later they returned to tell me they could not find him.
They said they would drive by every 30 mins or so and to stay inside.

I thought that Steven would finally show up and that Valeri would be questioned about how he got in and the hacking...

However Valeri was not questioned as later that evening he came to the house again but I refused to let him in.

 I found out that night that Steven was back in the UK and I was now there alone....

Inside Villa Jolee


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