I thought he was going to kill me

From the first time he hit me until he was to do it again was less than a month!

Since the police would do nothing I had to tolerate the endless abuse from Valeri and when I felt it was escalating I would just leave and go to stay at my apartment.

He would usually turn up there the next day and tell me he was sorry and was still maintaining he would never hurt me again when he was in his angry moods and persuade me to come back to the villa which I did as he was always nice and back to being kind for day or so after but not so nice if I refused.

Valeri was upset about the fact that I would leave when I felt threatened, which usually I did without telling him when I saw an opportunity to get out of there. He felt that I had no need to go as he was never going to hurt me and even started suggesting that I was leaving to meet another man...

Of course these added accusations that would come after when I did leave made me feel like I was better off staying despite his angry outbursts as afterall he was certain that he would never hit me again and so I ended up staying and putting up with it. Besides on the occasions when I tried to leave he now would stop me from going by locking the doors and holding keys.

Valeri would go through my phone, my computer and anything else he wanted to and would always find something that was totally innocent and make it into a crime I had committed against him!

It was 5th Feb. Valeri had seen a message on my phone from my family that were concerned about the first time he hit me and were thinking about coming over to make sure all was ok.

This was enough to send him crazy!

He accused me of making him look bad behind his back and that was the only reason for why they must be concerned.. I tried to explain that any family would be concerned but they were also aware that he was in need of help and therefore did not see him badly and wanted to help.

Valeri demanded that I gave him my phone and computer which I  refused to do at first but he had a knife in his pocket which he pulled out and held in his hand and although he did not threaten me directly with it, he told me that if I didnt give them to him I would make him do something very bad. I said to him that I would hand them over if he put the knife down and he promised not to smash them up.  He said that he would never use the knife on me and he had it  as protection from those that were plotting against him behind his back!

I handed them over and asked him to please not destroy them as if my family were unable to contact me they would be worried and would definitely come over from England. I reassured him that I understood he was feeling paranoid and that I was on his side. I had a spare phone as well as some old sim cards which he took to  and then he locked me in the bedroom while he disappeared.

I hoped he had just taken them to go through them or to put away as he was feeling paranoid but as I was to find out later on, he had smashed them to pieces with a hammer in the cottage at the end of the garden and then poured bbq fuel on them and burnt them so nothing remained.

He came back into the bedroom about two hours later.

I was standing by the bed and he walked straight up to me and spat in my face and then punched me so hard to the side of the head that I was thrown to the other side of the bed and to the floor the other side.

He then came over to where I was and grabbed my hand to pull me to my feet and squeezed it so hard that I felt my knuckle dislodge and he only let go when I screamed out in pain.

I couldnt move my fingers and I could feel my hand swelling.

I knew I was in serious trouble!

I stood on the bed and went from one end to the other trying to back away from him as he walked around it.

I was pleading with him not to do this and that he could stop now and we could sort it out.

I said anything I could think of to get him to think about what he was doing and how he had promised that he would never hurt me again and how bad he had felt after the time before.

I even said that if he continued that my family would not let him get away with it and he would be badly hurt and that it would ruin both of our lives and I would never be able to see him again.

Valeri said he had already gone too far now for it to ever be ok again so he had no choice now but to kill me.

I tried to reason with him and said if he killed me then his life would be over too and I was not worth it so just let me go or he could go and I would give him money and my car..

He just screamed at me to shut up while he thought it through. He was so angry and blaming me for making him have to do this as I had to be stopped and I had given him no choice!
He said that if he let me go now, I would go to the police or I would tell my family so he was done for now anyway.

I swore that I would not go to the police or tell anyone if he just let me go!

Valeri was thinking it through for a moment but he had decided that I had to be killed as I would never stop destroying his life if I lived and that he had already planned that he would go on the run and he would not be found and could survive in the mountains.

He was pacing back and forth discussing his options out loud  to himself, weighing up the pros and cons for killing me!
He was debating with himself whether he could make it look like an accident if I was to fall from the roof terrace or whether he should drown me in the sea or just kill me in the room and put my body down the well in the garden that was at least 70 metres deep and if anyone asked where I was, he would say that I left him and he didn't know where I was. This would give him enough time to run to the mountains where he could hide out indefinitely and never be found or give him enough time to get a new identity and false documents and leave the country!

I tried to reason with him and say he didn't have to do this but he kept telling me to shut up as he needed to think!

I thought Valeri was not just going to beat me up, I was certain he was going to kill me so I knew I had to fight back as I was fighting for my life!

I let all the fear inside me turn to anger.

I was roaring like the incredible hulk and jumped off the bed and picked up a log from the fire and swung it at him as he launched at me. He managed to punch me again but I hit him with the log at the same time which stunned him briefly.

I felt that it was him or me now!

My brother had always said to me if I was ever attacked that I should punch them in the throat and kick them in the bollocks and run like hell.

My hand was so broken that I knew I had to go for the bollocks as hard as I could.

Valeri launched at me again and hand his hands around my throat so I kneed him in the bollocks and he let go. I then tried to kick him in the bollocks but he did not go down and managed to grab my leg and pull me down but I kicked and kicked until he was winded and I ran for the door but he was like Robocop and up on his feet in no time and as I reached the door he grabbed me and knocked me to the floor and dragged me back.

He was trying to hold my legs still so he could punch me but I was like a wild animal and kept kicking out and even yanked his hair when I could no longer keep kicking and he was about to punch me.

In the end he held my legs and kicked me again and again in the back, side, hips, thighs and arse.

Valeri had to stop in the end as he had no energy left!

I could barely move but he was so exhausted that he backed off but he insisted that I sit up and look at him and I would give him the answers he wanted and would be honest for once in my life before he would kill me.

Valeri questioned me for hours and I said what he wanted to hear. I managed to turn it round to him saying that we could run away together now and that way he would be sure that I would not tell anyone or go to the police. I kept telling him that I loved him and nothing else mattered but me and him! He started to say that finally I had realised that I was lucky to have him and how badly I had treated him. I agreed and said I would have to do alot to make it up to him and that I would have to change. He reeled off a whole list of things that I would have to do and I agreed to them all and told him he was right and how grateful I was to be given this chance by him when I didnt deserve it.

I had to tell him that he was the most amazing person in the world and that I was not good enough and cant believe he loves me so much to give me this chance to make him happy.

Inside I felt nothing but hatred and I wanted to get away from him as soon as I could but for now that was not an option.

It was now about 8am the next day and I asked if I could go outside and get some air so he unlocked the door and accompanied me outside.

I saw the gate was locked and I had no idea what he had done with the key.

I said I was hungry and he said he would make breakfast and I was to come inside. I asked if I could just have a minute to reflect on what I had done and seeing as the gate was locked and I had no shoes on he let me be and went inside.

I had a split second to get out of there and my only option was to scale the 10 ft perimeter wall and hope he did not catch me.

I was over that wall and away and I ran without stopping to the police station...


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