Failed by the police again

When I reached the police station I thought I would be safe, only to be turned away as they laughed in my face!
Go away is all the policeman said!

My eye was turning black, my hand was twice the size and broken, I had no shoes on, my clothes were ripped with my whole body hurting and I was in fear of my life and the bastards told me to go away!

Shame on you!

I was absolutely broken and so I ran to Georgi's house and begged for help but they offered no help, did not even let me in and his mother was actually embarrassed that I had gone there and made a scandal for them and was anxious to get rid of me.

Shame on you!

I went to the beach and hid and for a moment I even considered drowning myself and only dismissed it as I was not going to leave my dog with that bastard and besides he would have won then!

I stayed on the beach for hours trying to think of what I could do and worrying about my dog and whether he would hurt her.

I couldnt contact anyone for help, the police would not help me, noone was going to help me except me and my only option was to go back to the villa and hope that he was calm when I returned which I had no choice but to do.

There was little point in me crying and feeling sorry for myself any longer. I had to go home and face the consequences. I was tired of it all and I had accepted that whatever the outcome, this was my fate so what would be would be now!

I went back to the villa at about 1pm as I knew I couldnt go anywhere else and I couldnt leave my dog there alone with him any longer.

As I reached the villa, he opened the gate and said he was worried sick and was just about to go out and look for me!

He was very concerned at first and worried that I may have gone to the medical centre which he was glad I had not as seeing I had brought it on myself, I wouldn't be helping myself if I tried to make anymore scandal for him as already people were starting to think I was crazy.

He was going from caring and considerate to aggressive and threatening in a heartbeat but I said nothing as I just felt numb and drained!

Thankfully Lula was fine but he used her to make me feel bad saying that I had caused her distress by leaving her and how I should think about seeing a Doctor for help as I could not even look after my dog..

I stayed in the garden as I was aware the neighbours were outside so I felt safer than going inside where he could hurt me again and noone would know.

I had been back about an hour and still in the garden with Valeri warning me to stop with my bullshit now when the police arrived much to my surprise and horror.

It was a different policeman who I had not seen before and he spoke English which the other policemen did not!

The policeman asked me if all was ok as he had been informed that I had gone to the station earlier...

Valeri glared at me and I knew if I said anything was wrong he would surely kill me but I knew I was no doubt going to pay for going there that morning anyway.

At first I said that everything was ok which the policeman could clearly see was not the case and
thankfully he asked to speak with me alone.

I told him that I wanted Valeri to leave as he had hurt me again but I was petrified as I knew if I said anything he would come back like every other time and probably  kill me this time but the policeman reassured me that if I wanted them to take him away that I would be safe and they would ensure he didn't return..

He promised me and even said that he would drive by every hour and if Valeri was anywhere near my home, he would arrest him.

He also said if Valeri showed up I was to either lock myself in the bathroom until  the police came by on their hourly visit  or go straight to the station if I could and they would take him away.

Much to Valeri's surprise and despite his claims that it was I who had attacked him and he had only restrained me as I went crazy and kicked him in the bollocks repeatedly.

He was nevertheless taken away in cuffs after he refused to go and was insistent that he would not go anywhere without  hearing it from me directly that it was really what I wanted. I told him that I wanted him out of my life for good and that I was sure of that!

The police assured me that I was safe now and he would not return and that I was to lock the doors and if he did come back I was not to let him in.

I was to go to the station the next morning and make a statement to start the process of getting a restraining order against him which I would have to do myself with a lawyer which although was a lengthy and complex procedure, was my only option.

In the meantime the police would make arrangements to get the local security firm to assist me for the 6 months to a year it may take to get.

I was told that this was my last chance of help and if I did not go to the station and start the process the next morning then I was on my own and if he came back and I let him in then it was my own fault and would no longer be a police matter.

I  assured the policeman that I would, without doubt, going to be at the station at 9am and would do whatever it took to get Valeri out of my life this time.

I felt safe finally when Valeri had not returned once that day when in the past he had been back within hours.

The police came by every hour and there had been no sign of him so I  went to bed that evening feeling that it was now over and he would surely stay away.

When I woke up the next morning Valeri was sat on my bed, stroking my face and telling me how beautiful I was.

I was so shocked and scared that I didn't know what to do except to keep calm and go along with it as I was certain that the police would come at some point when I did not show at 9am.

Valeri was acting as if nothing had happened and even said to me that he forgave me for fighting him, remarking that I fought like a man and he was glad to see I had calmed down now and we both had realised that we were in love.

I tried to act normal so I got up and went to draw back the curtains but he told me that it was best to keep them closed as 'the people' were trying to come between us.

He saw the bruise to my face and said he must have caught me by accident but even so he was ashamed to have to hurt me even it is was by mistake.

 He then checked over my body and apologised for the bruises too saying he should never have kicked me and it would never happen again.

He told me he would make something to relieve the pain and massage me to help it heal.

He also said that I had caused him much pain in his groin area too but he was prepared to let it go!

He seemed to think it was no big deal and that we had had a minor spat that he was now seeing the funny side of!

When I said I thought he was going to kill me and started to cry, he laughed and said that of course he would never hurt me and was hugging me and drying my eyes reassuring me I had nothing to fear!

That day he was Mr Perfect again but I couldn't believe that he was just dismissing it all as no big deal and expecting me to carry on as normal.

I did carry on as normal though as I was too frightened not to and I was sure the police would surely come by and check on me especially when I did not show at 9am..

The police did not come that day or the next so I knew I had to bide my time and play along until I could get away.

Valeri was absolutely adamant that I did not leave the villa that day and the next for fear of me being hurt by 'the people' he claimed were out to get us and had got into our heads to cause the fight we had!

He was patrolling the grounds, locked the doors  and watching my every move but he was being extremely caring and loving so I knew that if I was
reciprocal I would be able to stay safe and gain his trust until I had an opportunity to escape!

That opportunity came the following night when I spotted the key to the gate.

I took it and put it in my pocket and then put my shoes on and asked him to unlock the door so I could go outside and get some air.

He was watching from the window and I knew it was only a matter of time until he would realise I had taken the gate key so I had to make a run for it.

I opened the gate and he started to come after me but I managed to lock it after I was out which stalled him briefly and gave me a 100m head start to run to the police station which was just under a mile away.

As I approached the police station he was right behind me ...I got to the door but it was locked.

I was hammering on it and screaming for them to let me in but noone answered.

Valeri stood about 2 meters away from me just outside of the station fence taunting me that I had nowhere to go and noone would help me...

I kept hammering on the door and the policeman eventually answered but told me to go away so in shear desperation I picked up a bit of wood and started to smash the window of the police station with it as I was sure that if I was arrested that it would be far better than what I would face if I went home with Valeri.

The police subsequently came out and forceably restrained me and I begged for them to arrest me and not let me go home with Valeri.

In the end they put me in the back of the police car and said they would take me home to collect my things and I was to leave the villa.

They were so rude and derogatory and said it was not a police matter and I needed a Doctor to get the kind of help I needed and that I should go back to England and they would drive me there themselves if they could.

They were even laughing amongst themselves and when I said I dont think its fucking funny that as a women alone in Bulgaria I can be beaten up and then told I have to leave my own home by the police who are supposed to protect me.. they just said sorry we dont speak English and laughed as they drove off after dropping me outside my villa.

I was so fucking angry and couldnt quite believe that I was being told I had to leave my home and that they would  not remove Valeri.

I packed a bag as quickly as I could and before Valeri returned Lula and I walked to my apartment and I barricaded myself in.

The next morning I went back to the station but again was turned away as I failed to show for the 9am meeting a few days earlier.

I knew I was not safe at my apartment and Valeri had taken my car keys so I stayed in the apartment of a friend who had left a spare key with me whilst they were away which was just as well as of course Valeri went to look for me at my apartment.

I rang the British Embassy and they said they would speak to the police but I had no faith whatsoever now in the police and their ability to keep me safe so after being turned away by the police when I went to the station again, I told them I would  buy a knife and deal with it myself.

I went to the town centre and within minutes the police came and arrested me for not having my dog on a lead and took me to the station.

I absolutely lost the plot as I couldn't believe it. I had been beaten and abused, told to leave my home and instead of the police help me, they had now arrested me for not having my dog on lead when the town was full of stray dogs that roamed free!

The police asked a girl I knew from the town to come to the station and translate my charges for the dog and it was then that they received a call from the British Embassy and I was finally able to make a statement about Valeri and why I had not made the meeting with the police.

Finally after 5 days of me having to leave my home and let that bastard stay there the police told Valeri to leave.

I still had little faith in the police to keep me safe so I decided to hire a personal security guard that I was sure would be far better at keeping me safe than the police so I could go back home and finally be safe...

These are some txt messages I received from Valeri after I ran..


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