Valeri had taken to me

As time went on, Valeri appeared to spend more time with me than Steven.
Steven did not seemed concerned by this but I had a slight reservation about it.

Valeri would come to the house and say hello to Steve then seek me out and spend hours in my company.

He would come when Steven was not in which to me seemed a little planned especially when Steve said once that he would see Valeri sitting on the bench at the end of our road when he left and then within minutes of Steven leaving he would arrive at the house but seemingly unaware that Steven had gone out!

There were a few times that instead of go to the front door, he would just come up the external staircase at the back of the villa that led to the other floors and come straight to the 2nd floor where I was.

The door to the master suite was usually open but on the times it was not he would bang on the door for me to let him in rather than knock the front door.

 Steven was not even aware he was there on occasion and if he came upstairs and Valeri was there, he did not seem concerned about it.

When I did mention to Steve that I was a little concerned about it and that I hoped Valeri was not getting the wrong idea, he just laughed and said he doubted that as Valeri was a young good looking boy and that he had said to Steve in the past he thought I was 50! There was no way Valeri had any feelings of that kind for me!

Steven put it down to me being easy to talk to and not phased by his weirdness so therefore  Valeri being able to talk about things to me more that I had an interest in which Steven was not particularly interested or knowledgable in at all.

In fact Steven seemed pleased that he didnt have to deal with him so much and was happy for me to take him off his hands!

As I still had concerns I took every opportunity to make the point and letting it be known to Valeri that I saw him as a friend as well as stating that I would not be interested in having another relationship for a very long time as a precautionary measure, just in case!

I knew I had not given him the wrong impression or led him on in any way as I was utterly destroyed by Steven's infidelities so once I had clarified the situation, I felt that even if he had developed a crush, I had made sure that he would not act on it!


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