Two new cars, one arrest and game over

The following week after the conversation with my brother I bought a car from a man who I thought was a good man.

Valeri had not made it easy for me and even when at the used car garage buying the car, he erupted and went for me in a moment of paranoia where he had thought I was laughing at him when I was trying to sort the paperwork for the car.

I ended up running into the office and hiding until he was told to leave by the owner but he would not leave and they would not call the police.

Eventually Valeri snapped out of it and I was able to leave with the car but with him in the passenger seat.

I had the car a day before it just cut out and wouldn't start.

I called the man who had sold me it and he came to see what the problem was. He couldn't start it but managed to get it going by bump starting it.

Valeri was not happy about it and went to speak with the man. Valeri told me that he had asked the man to refund me and take the car back but he just drove off.

The car was now going so we carried on to Varna as planned but it broke down again.
The man who sold it to me ignored my calls and we ended up having to sleep in the car!

That night Valeri turned on me again and I left the car but he was distracted  from his bad mood by another car that pulled into the car park and he eventually went to sleep and all was ok for now.

The next morning I arranged to get the car towed to the nearest garage who informed me that the car needed much work and I would have to leave it with them for a week at least.

In sheer desperation I agreed to buy another car from them and thought I would sell the other one once it was repaired.

I drove the new car home the following day and while Valeri was sleeping I packed some things and put them in the boot and I intended to leave for England in the next day or two when I had the chance!

Valeri was insistent that he went with me everywhere as he thought I was cheating on him so he would not let me out of his sight.

The next morning I told him that I needed to go to the apartment but he insisted on coming with me. We stopped off to get juice from the juice bar and I waited in the car.

The policeman who spoke English approached me in the car when Valeri was getting the juice. He said to me; so you are back with him then to which I replied yes but it was not through choice; the policeman said that I was never to call 112 again as they would not help me!
I was angry and said he need not worry as I had no intention of ever calling them for help as they had failed to keep me safe and because of that I would be leaving for England the next day hopefully.

As Valeri returned the policeman ushered him away and spoke to him.

I asked Valeri what he had said to him and Valeri told me the policeman told him that I was a trouble maker and if I ever called them again,  it would be me who would be taken  away and not him.

I couldnt quite believe it. The police had practically given Valeri the green light to do whatever he wanted to me safe in the knowledge that the police would turn a blind eye.

We went home and I said I wanted to go to the beach but Valeri insisted that I had breakfast even though I was not hungry. He made sure I ate it all!

He insisted on coming to the beach with me but as soon as we got there, he started to be nasty and threatened me that if I ever left him he would kill me.

I suspected then that the policeman may have told him that I was leaving!

Valeri was at the beach bar and I was on the beach but a few hours later he was nowhere to be seen so I left the beach without him.

At the top of the road from the beach I was met with a police roadblock and was told to pull over and get out of the car.

I did not know at the time that I had been set up!


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