Brief moment of being Mr Perfect

Valeri from that moment on was the absolute perfect example of an attentive, loving and caring boyfriend who was constantly complementing me and telling me how blessed he was to have such an amazing and beautiful women.

He was upbeat, jovial and fun to be with and would just grab me and kiss me and spin me around like an excited smitten man in love.

It seemed sincere as the way he would look at me was all blurry eyed and as  a man in love looked and I felt like I was in an old romantic movie and totally adored.

He was like a different person and even better than he was in the very early days when I first fell for him.

He showed consideration for my feelings in all he did.

He was so romantic and would do many romantic little gestures such as leave little 'I love you' notes around the house, play a love song for me, rearrange ornaments to make a heart or find me a heart shaped pebble on the beach, make special meals which he would say he made with love, find a poem or quote about love in a book that described how he felt and would read it to me. Learned words in English as well as teach me words in Bulgarian related to love.  Make a point of us watching the sunset together over a glass of wine on the roof terrace and then cuddle up in front of the fire..

There were many more similar things like this that he would do as well as cook, clean and even wash my clothes!

It was also apparent that he was trying not to let his paranoia get the better of him and in the moments that his insecurities surfaced he would let me know and we would talk it through before it escalated.

He seemed vulnerable when he expressed how he felt and that he was feeling paranoid and I would have to promise that he could trust me when I said there was no reason other than paranoia that was leading him to feel that I was 'out to get him' and hurt him which he would reluctantly accept eventually.

I was able to talk him down which did take a lot of effort and patience to do but I was happy to go through it for hours as he was not just going into full blown accusations and insults and to me it seemed this was showing a lot of effort on his part and that he was finally starting to trust me so I was also happy to go the extra mile as I felt we were finally now getting somewhere.

I had forgotten all about us just being friends as the reasons I had wanted to not be in a relationship and together seemed like a distant memory  as it was now better than I could have ever hoped it would be.

However this lasted less than a week and come New Years Eve I was in tears again as he reverted back to being totally unreasonable, making accusations in an aggressive and insulting manner with my attempts to get him to think about what we had agreed to not let it escalate and deal with it calmly and logically right out of the window.

Valeri launched into a full on attack of my faithfulness, integrity and character, calling me a liar and a selfish bitch who enjoyed seeing him suffer etc etc and then disappeared in my car without telling me when I thought he had gone to another room to cool off.

I sat alone in tears on New year's eve from early evening to 5 mins before midnight when he strolled back in as if nothing had happened, completely ignoring I was in tears and suggested we went outside to watch the fireworks...

When I refused, he went out anyway and after an hour or so when I had gone to bed he came back in and just got in bed beside me as if nothing had happened and put his arm around me and went to sleep!


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