The day after my arrest

I arrived home in the early hours in a state of devastation and could hardly sleep.

The next day all I could do was cry as the whole ordeal played over again in my head. I knew it was a set up but I could not quite believe that the police or Valeri were actually capable of doing this and still felt it had to be just a huge mistake.

Valeri showed up at  the villa about midday and I was upset that he had just left me to deal with it. He offered some feeble excuse that he had tried to find a lawyer he knew in the town but was unsuccessful and when he came back I was gone.. he said that he did not know when I would return and had not wanted to stay at the villa alone so he stayed in his apartment and camr as soon as he woke up.

Before I said anything else he went on to say that it was not his fault and that he was not involved in setting me up if that was what I was thinking.

I asked him why say that as to me it sounded like a guilty conscience. He just laughed!

I said I wanted to be alone and I wanted him to go. He would not go and told me that he would make us breakfast and we could talk about what I should do!

At first he seemed  sympathetic but he made light of it and told me it was nothing to worry about really and I should not be so upset about it all! Remarking that he had been through far worse lately.

When I pointed out that for me it was a huge deal and probably couldn't be worse as I had been arrested on a drug offence, banned from driving and could not leave the country when I had done nothing wrong.

He said that it would be fine as the ban did not matter as he could drive us now and what did it matter that I couldn't leave the country as I was not planning to leave as far as he knew!

I knew then he must have definitely known that I was planning to leave!

After a while he became intolerant telling me the fault was all mine!

It was my own fault for constantly calling the police on him and getting them to put him in a mental institution when he had done nothing wrong so it was no wonder that they had done this as I had made myself look crazy in their eyes for making such a scandal all the time.

I couldnt quite believe it and I asked him to leave but he just laughed at me!

I did not think it was a laughing matter or my fault either!

He apologised and said he didn't mean that he thought it was my fault just that he had thought that was why the police had done this.

A little later I asked him what the police had said to him when he was walking up the road which he claimed was that he was not to get involved or make a problem or he would be arrested.

I asked why they had spoke about breakfast which he replied with nothing was said about breakfast.. I told him that I heard him say Zakuska as it was just about the only word I had understood but he denied it and said I must have misheard.

I knew I had not misheard and until he denied it, I had not thought it was anything significant but now I did.

Then it dawned on me.. the morning of the day before when I was arrested, Valeri had made a big deal about making breakfast and was insistent on me eating it all despite me saying that I was not hungry. He must have put the drugs in my food!
This might sound far fetched to most but Valeri had in the past talked about times he thought people had tried to poison him by putting it in his food and was paranoid about eating anything he had not cooked. He had even before commented on me trusting him and asked if I had ever worried about eating anything he made me to eat which of course I never had as like I told him, things like that never happened in the UK!

I just asked him outright; please tell me you didnt set me up!

Valeri to my utter astonishment said I needed to be stopped! He couldn't let me ruin his life anymore and if he let me go back to England he would then never be able to stop me and I would be able to destroy him. He said I had to pay for what I had done to him and now it was too late for me to be sorry.

I said I was going to the police but he said they will not help you as I told them you are a drug addict and crazy but if you want to go and tell them I set you up then go as I have hidden drugs in your house so if they come to arrest me I will tell them again you are crazy and to search your house as you have drugs here!

I just ran out of the villa with Lula but he came after me and was threatening to kill me.

I got about half a mile before he had caught up with me and managed to grab me. I crouched down on the floor in anticipation of him beating the hell out of me but thank god, a woman and her son came out of their house and into the street at that moment so he backed off and I was able to run away from him.


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