Sucked back in again

Of course it wasnt long before Valeri was able to manipulate me into letting him back into my life...

He was relentless with his constant calling and messaging, pleading with me to give him another chance!

His mother was visiting from Italy and he desperately wanted me to meet her.. his grandmother was ill and he desperately needed my support... he was lost without me and so desperately needed to be with me! He loved me and missed me and had learned his lesson and would do anything to change if I just gave him the chance to prove it!

I eventually gave in and agreed to go and see him in Varna to talk! He introduced me to his mother and was so loving and kind that I was happy to be with him again and realised that I had missed him too.

Valeri came back with me to where I was staying just outside of Golden Sands at a place called Nirvana.

Nirvana had a nudest beach and so we went there a few days and it was quite exhilarating.

Valeri and I had a wonderful time together and it was just great being with him. We laughed and had fun and were like two people in love should be! I couldn't have been happier!

We both felt as if it was a time we would always cherish!

A few days later we had to return the car and went back to Kranevo to stay.

At first everything was still great but it wasnt long before Valeri started to become controlling and aggressive again..

One day we were talking with a local man who I thought seemed very pleasant but when he left, Valeri told me that this man had been quite rude about me and had said he must have only been with me for my money as I was old.  I asked why Valeri had told me this now as if I would have known the man was being rude then I wouldn't have spoken to him.
Valeri said he told him that he loved me and then went on to say that Yordan (a mutual friend) had said the same in the past yet I still was friends with him.. I realised that Valeri was just trying to pick a fight over Yordan! It escalated and before long Valeri was screaming at me in the street and being aggressive and intimidating whilst accusing me of anything and everything. I felt scared and thought it would end up with him hitting me again so I shut my mouth and just took his insults and eventually he calmed down again and all was ok for another few days.

Until one evening he just turned and slammed his fist down on the table for no reason and started to get angry and accusing me of things I hadnt done so before it escalated I made an excuse to walk Lula and we left and found another place to stay. I had nothing but the clothes on my back but rather than return the next day, I just found us a taxi and we left the town and went back to Golden Sands.

I was so disappointed that after such a great week together, Valeri had yet again become a bastard and I just didnt want to be with him at that point in time and needed some space to think.

I found an apartment and just ignored his calls again after explaining to him that after such a great time together I was disappointed and disillusioned by the way he had acted on a few occasions now that  I needed to be on my own to think about it all.

Valeri searched for me day and night and told me that he would not give up until he found me!

I stayed in the apartment and didnt leave for days.

The lady at reception told me that a man had come in and asked if an English lady and a white dog were staying there but she told him no!

He was still calling and messaging me excessively and searching for me day and night often walking 10 miles a day looking for me.
He was distraught and claimed he just wanted to know that I was ok and give me back my belongings that I had had to leave..  he said in his messages that he knew it was over but he just wanted to see me one last time to say sorry face to face..

In a moment of weakness I took his call and agreed he could meet me in Golden Sands at some point which I confirmed was where I was staying and about 20 km from where he was in Varna...although he already knew that was where I was anyway..

I would not say exactly where I was staying and he said he would call me back to confirm a time to meet.

After I put the phone down I instantly regretted agreeing to meet with him and so I decided not to and that I would not answer the phone to him again and make the arrangements..


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