Villa in the hills and safe

After a week at Alen Mak and I was sure Valeri still believed I was in Golden Sands, I felt safe to move accomodation and found a villa tucked away in the hills in a residential area with security gates and was secluded and private about a mile from where I was. I knew I had to try and get my car back and finally leave Bulgaria but I would call or text the mechanic and he would call or txt back to Valeri.

Valeri was constantly calling  and texting from his phone, his grandmothers phone and his mothers phone.

The mechanic had been in contact with him regarding my car and he although he claimed to understand it was over, he wanted me to meet up with him with his mother present who would drive me to go and sort it but I refused and even felt too worried to call the mechanic again  myself and make arrangements to get the car or have it transported to me at the Villa in the hills for fear of Valeri finding me. The mechanic spoke no English and even with the aid of Google translate, it was not easy to communicate with him mainly due to his opinion that he should always speak to the man and not the women in regards to these services that they deem as not something a woman could possibly understand.

I was in a catch 22 situation so finally I agreed that I would go to sort the car on the condition that his mother would take us and I would meet them at a location that was not where I was staying. He agreed and the next day he and his mother picked me up from the bus station in Alen Mak.

On first seeing me he got out of the car and hugged me and told me how much he loved me and had missed me. He even started to cry in the presence of his mother.

We were unable to collect the car and had to decide whether to let the mechanic do more work which he claimed would cost about 5000 lv to do properly which thankfully Valeris mother was of the opinion that he was playing us and that we should arrange to get the car transported to more reputable garage in Varna for a second opinion.  With his mother there, Valeri was as good as gold and we were able to talk and have lunch with it all being seemingly on good terms. After dropping me back at Alen Mak, they went back to Varna and were going to arrange for transportation of my car.

Over the coming days we were in touch with making arrangements for the car and all seemed great and we were getting on fabulously and it appeared he had accepted we were over and although he made it clear he would do anything to have me back and loved me deeply, he understood that he had caused us to end.
He and his mother came to collect me and take me to the car when we had finally found a garage to transport it to and Valeri and I travelled together in the tow truck to Varna where we dropped off the car for diagnosis and his mother then took us back to Alen Mak and I agreed he could stay with me the night and go back to Varna the next day by bus.
Things were really good between us and I had missed him and it was actually lovely to be with him again.

The next few days we waited for the diagnosis on the car and Valeri stayed with me at the villa. His mother came over for dinner one evening and Valeri cooked, another evening we had a BBQ, went out for dinner on other occasions and everything was wonderful and I felt pleased to be with him again.

The diagnosis for the car was less  than half of what we had been quoted and it would take 2/3 weeks until we could collect it.

Valeri's mother was leaving to return to Italy in a week and so we spent time with her going to different places and the entire time we all got on like a house on fire. Valeri seemed relaxed and we had a lot of fun together and it felt like we had finally got our shit together and were united and the previous problems were firmly left behind us in the past and now we were moving forward together and extremely happy..

The few weeks at the villa were probably the most normal and consistent that Valeri ever was..

There was only one occasion that he turned on me and I felt fear but luckily it did not end up with me being beaten.

Valeri had had a bad dream in which I had cheated on him but he was so distraught by it that he was unable to get it out of his head and he ended up winding himself up and getting more and more angry as if it had really happened as he believed that the dream was a sign.

All that day he was aggressive and I felt like I had to walk on eggshells and did everything I could to keep the peace but late in the night he started to become more and more abusive and locked the doors to the villa so I could not leave.

For hours on end he was in my face accusing me of all the awful things he had accused me of so many times before but I knew that I had no other option but to do everything in my power to convince him that I was totally devoted to him and would never do anything to hurt him.. I had the most amount of fear that he was going to end up beating me up again and so I did whatever it took to appease him and calm the situation..

After hours and hours of abuse he started to calm down a little and eventually went to sleep.

The keys were in his pocket and so I tried to get them without waking him up which after many attempts I was able to do.

Me and my dog were able to leave and were about half a mile a way from the villa when I saw him running down the road after us.

I just froze and when he got to us I expected him to hurt me but he just hugged me and said that he was sorry and that he wanted us to come back and promised he would not be horrible as he could not bare to be alone as he was feeling very bad and could not face being without me. He pleaded and he cried and he seemed back to himself again so reluctantly I went back with him as I didnt really have a choice but I had every intention of leaving when I got the chance.
He stuck to his word and was not horrible at all and he seemed so distraught and lost that it was making me feel hesitant about leaving him which I also knew I really wanted to do. He slept for hours but not a deep sleep and in that time he would wake for a few mins and shout out for me and once he knew I was still there he went back to sleep again. He knew that I may possibly run at the first opportunity so he locked the gates to the villa


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