Under his control and dependent

I returned to the apartment a few hours later after walking on the beach. I was calm but so angry inside. I didn't want to go back to him but I didn't have a choice now.

When I got near to the apartment he was already waiting for me in the street as he had been looking for me as he was getting worried that something bad may have happened to me. I said nothing and walked up the stairs to the apartment followed by him and his claims of love for me and his thanks that I returned like I had promised and about how worried he had been.

I went straight to the bedroom and lied on the bed still having not said a word and ignoring his words.

He left the bedroom and returned a while after with food and drinks he had made for me. I wanted to refuse them but I was hungry and thirsty so I accepted them and made no comment about it or even did I thank him for it.

He was the one now walking on eggshells and I felt like it was no more than he deserved.

He asked if he could explain why he took the rest of my money from my bank and gambled it but I said I was not interested in hearing what he had to say but he proceeded to tell me anyway!

He said he knew that if he had asked me for the money that I would have said no but he knew it was the right thing to do as it was certain that he was going to win it all back and double 'our' money and that he was half way there in doing so and tomorrow he would be able to give me back my money and would have doubled it as the bets he had placed were a certainty.

I just rolled my eyes and said that I was going to pack up our things as we had to leave the apartment the next day as he had taken the rent money so 'we' couldn't pay.

He left the room and I eventually fell asleep!

 He woke me up early the next morning asking if I had any money as he had to go to Varna and needed the bus fare!

That was the final straw for me and I stood up and said to him 'are you for  fucking real?'

I had a few levs in change in my pocket and I just threw them at him and said now you have taken everything from me please promise me that you will just leave and never come back!

He just laughed and said that he would always come back to his beautiful English wife but he will bring her back not only love but much money too!

Valeri had won at gambling this time and had trebled the money he stole from me and was going to Varna there and then to collect the winnings.

He left the apartment and said he would be back within a few hours and that he would go by the office on his way back to pay the rent. He also insisted that I wait for him at the apartment and that he wouldn't feel comfortable to leave me there unless he locked the front door so that he knew that I would be safe while he was gone. Seeing as it was early morning and I had no money to go anywhere anyway I just went along with it and let him lock me in the apartment when he left!

He returned about 3 hours later with flowers and had presents for me and Lula. He had gone via the office on his way back and paid the rent for another week too!

He was just full of himself and telling me that I had to trust him and believe in him and not be so negative in the future and that I worried too much when I should not as he would always look after me!

I asked if I could have my money back but he said that he would hold onto the money for us as it was the man's role to take care of the financial matters and that the rent was paid and all was fine now so I had nothing to worry about as he would take care of it all!

Later that day he informed me that he had placed another bet using most of the money he had won as he was certain to make us even more money this time!

Of course I was not best pleased with his decision to gamble with 'our' money again and I did express this to him in a calm and non confrontational manner, pointing out that I had no issue with him doing whatever he wanted with the excess money gained from betting with my money he used for the initial stake but I felt that he should not have  taken it on himself again to make the decision to include the money he had taken from me and should have given back to me when he collected his winnings to gamble with again.

He told me that he was disappointed that after he had proven to me that he knew what he was doing and trebled my money  that I still had no faith or belief in him when it came down to it and that I was no different to all the other people in his life who had always put him down!

I knew that if I continued trying to make a point about how wrong this was of him, he would just keep throwing it back in my face and eventually get angry as afterall he knew that it was wrong and did it anyway!

To diffuse the situation, I let it go  and tried to show an interest in watching the matches our money was riding on.

He had already placed the bet so there was nothing I could do anyway except watch how it played out and hope for the best!


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