Golden Sands in fear

Despite making no fixed plans to meet, Valeri still came to Golden Sands after calling me hundreds of times and me not answering.

He left messages that at first were nice but quickly turned to threats and abuse throughout the entire night.
Despite making no arrangements and ignoring his calls, in his mind I had let him down because he came to Golden Sands to see me and it was irrelevant to him that it was his  choice to still come when we hadn't made any arrangements but to him I was a bitch and I was playing games to deliberately hurt him.

I turned my phone off in the end in the hope he would get the message and just go back to Varna.

The next day I woke up and felt bad for ignoring him but I knew that it was for the best and thought he would at least now get the message that it was over.

I decided to go to the beach that day but one that was about a mile walk so as not to bump into him should he still be in Golden Sands looking for me.

When I arrived at the beach, to my horror he was there! I had to pretend that I had gone there to look for him as his face was like thunder. He had been drinking all night and I knew he could turn on me at any point so I had to keep him sweet and hoped that he would eventually fall asleep on the beach and I could leave.

For a few hours he was ok and I hoped he would remain that way until he fell asleep. However he didn't sleep and he started to get nasty so I decided to leave and packed up my things to go but he was getting more and more irate and when I left he followed.

He was screaming at me in the street and being aggressive. I knew that if I didnt get away I was going to get beaten up by him at the first opportunity.

He was walking right behind me and threatening to kill me! I was petrified!
He just went on and on about what a bitch I was and how he wasn't going to let me get away with it and how he was going to teach me how to show respect for him.

I started to run but he ran after me and was roaring with rage and started to push me around and standing in front of me to block my way.

I sat down on the path but he dragged me up and told me to stop making a scandal as I was only making him more angry as I was trying to get attention..

I knew that the moment we was out of the public street, he was going to hurt me so as he marched me through the street, without him seeing I started to mouth silently to everyone we passed to help me in sheer desperation.

We had walked about half a mile when a young man stopped to stroke my dog and started up a conversation with us.

I wasnt aware at the time that this guy had seen what was going on and had been following us for a while and thats why he stopped to stroke my dog in the hope of distracting Valeri so I could get away.

He said to Valeri that it was clear that I wanted to leave by myself and that he should respect that but Valeri insisted that I was a bitch and I deserved everything I got and that this guy should walk away as he had no idea what I was really like.

The guy told me to leave if thats what I wanted and that he would not allow Valeri to follow me.

I started to walk away as fast as I could and I had got no more than 50 metres away when Valeri started to run after me.

I screamed and dropped my things and started to run and luckily just as he got close, a police car appeared and he ran off in the other direction.

The young man who had stopped us had had the sense to call the police beforehand as he was not sure that Valeri would let me go and if he could stop him coming after me.. and he was right!

I went to the police station with the police but they spoke little English and once they learned that I had been in a relationship with this man, they were  ot particularly interested and this again was down to the poor views in Bulgaria that domestic abuse and violence is not a police matter. However I was grateful that they had caused him to flee and was escorted back to my apartment by the kind young man and his friends who had intervened.
I packed up my things and left Golden Sands immediately and went to an area called Alen Mak a few miles away and stayed in a hotel that was set amongst its own grounds with security on the entry gates with its own private beach and restaurant so I felt secure. I did not hear from Valeri for a few days but it wasnt long before he started bombarding me with calls and messages and endless apologies.


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