Christmas was coming and I wanted to get festive

As a lover of Christmas, especially the build up to it, I started to get in the festive mood by putting up lights and decorations.

Being in a new home in a new country, I felt that I wanted it to be special seeing as I would not be spending it with family and friends!

I made Christmas reefs, festive table displays of candles, flowers, holly and pine cones. I even made a nativity scene and had blends of cinamon, citrus, frankincense and spiced apple aromatherapy oils burning in the oil burners all over the house so it looked and felt like Christmas!
Yordan was back from Germany so we had invited him and Georgi over for pre Christmas drinks.

I went to get ready before they arrived and Valeri thought I was just putting some makeup on but I ended up taking a shower and whilst showering they arrived so Valeri and them came upstairs and into the bathroom to say hi! 

They were embarrassed as were unaware I was in the shower but I actually found it quite funny and so did Valeri!

They went downstairs and once I was dressed and getting ready, Yordan came back upstairs and was chatting to me as I dried my hair as Valeri and Georgi were bickering as per usual!

When we went back downstairs, Georgi  and Valeri were still arguing and Valeri was not in a good mood!

We had a few drinks but Valeri was off with me for which I had no idea why so eventually I left them to it and went to bed!

Valeri came up to see me and then explained he had a problem with the fact that Yordan had been upstairs alone with me earlier, which had only been for 10 mins or so at the most!  Valeri, however, accused me of fucking him behind his back in that time!

This really upset me and annoyed me so I locked the bedroom door when he went back downstairs!

Yordan came up a little later to say goodbye but the door was locked and I pretended to be asleep when he called out to me for fear of Valeri becoming more upset and paranoid!

I fell asleep but woke up when Valeri was banging on the door..
I opened it and let him in and it wasnt long before he  started to accuse me of the Yordan crap again but he now had added to it that something more happened when Yordan came to say goodbye... 

Despite the door being locked when Yordan came to say goodbye, Valeri was claiming that he had secretly followed Yordan upstairs so  had seen us!

Knowing that this was a lie and being sick and tired of not being trusted and accused of things I had not and did not want to do, I was not going to go through another night of punishment so I refused point blank to get into it and told Valeri firmly that if he was going to insult me any further with his unfounded accusations then I wanted him to leave and I went back to bed.

Surprisingly he just left me to it and went downstairs and in the morning when I woke up, he was in the bed next to me and so I gave him a cuddle and all seemed fine!

We had a kiss and a cuddle and one thing led to another! The Yordan thing was not mentioned and so I was happy until I went downstairs a few hours later to find a mess of broken glass, broken  ornaments and Christmas decorations everywhere!

He had clearly just lost control in anger  and destroyed everything I had made and had smashed up my nativity scene, the decorations, the table displays, pretty much everything I had done for Christmas!

He came downstairs as I was cleaning it up and said he was sorry but he was angry and jeolous about Yordan...

I was too angry to even speak so I said I would take Lula for a walk to clear my head and that while I was gone, he was to clean up the mess...

When I returned he had not cleaned up the mess and started again to accuse me of fucking Yordan behind his back!


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