Valeri and I were friends again

When we agreed to meet again soon after going to the mountains I had meant in a few days time at the very least.

So the next day when he rang the bell at the gate it was way too soon for me so I ignored him.

Valeri went away and did not come the next day but he called me from a payphone mid afternoon saying he was at the mountains and  hoped I would come to meet him and watch the sunset as it was beautiful and something he knew I would love.

At first I agreed and set off to meet him but on reaching the mountains I did not see him at the place I thought he was going to be.

After waiting a little while, I was starting to have doubts about it being a good idea and a change of heart of whether seeing him again so soon was what I wanted so when he did not show after 15 mins, I was feeling almost relieved and as if it was a blessing in disguise. I decided it was not meant to be  so I turned the car around and went home thinking it was probably for the best that I had not met up with him and far better to leave it a while before we saw each again.

On the way back my tyre started to go flat so I stopped about half a mile before the villa to park it so as not to cause any damage and walked the rest of the way home.

I  was glad then that I had turned back otherwise I would have been stuck on the mountain with a flat tyre so I saw it as fate.

I could not contact Valeri as he had no mobile phone with him hence why he had called on a payphone earlier  but I was sure when I spoke to him next it would all be fine and just one of those things and we could do it again some other time.

Valeri called again from a payphone in the early hours of morning the next day but I was asleep at the time and saw the 5 missed calls when I woke up.

I also woke up to find he had thrown the trainers I had bought him months before into the swimming pool which I thought was strange at first.

When I returned to my car later that morning, it was covered in garbage that had been emptied onto it from a dustbin.

I was bloody annoyed and knew that it had to be Valeri.. with the missed calls from the early hours, his trainers in the pool and now rubbish tipped all over my car, I was sure he had yet again jumped to the worst conclusion and acted upon it without speaking to me first.

I was so disappointed that I felt like going to his apartment and throwing all the  rubbish he put on my car outside his door but I decided that sorting my flat tyre was more productive!

I drove past him in the street later that day and gave him two fingers when he signalled for me to stop and talk.

He came to the Villa a little while after when I was in the garden.

He shouted to me over the wall and was very upset but I refused to let him in.

I threw his trainers over the wall at him as he said he did not believe that I did go to meet him at the mountains, he did not believe I was asleep when he called in the early hours and claimed he saw me drive by him in the early hours when he was walking home just to piss him off which was utter nonsense.

Regardless of me feeling like it was for the best we had not met up. The fact was I had gone to meet him and he was not there so
I told him that he could either believe me or not as it made no difference to me as I had no reason to lie and if anything I would be more justified to be cross with him than he with me as not only was he not there when I went to meet him but I wasn't cross about it, but I was cross he was now accusing me of lieing and acting like he was.

I was not sure now whether it was too soon for us to be friends if he was thinking the worse of me again and allowing his imagination to get the better of him.

I heard him out but only from over the wall. He said he was sorry for jumping to the wrong conclusions and agreed he had let his paranoia get the better of him which he finally realised was what had caused all the trouble after he had landed himself in more bother that night.

He was so upset and angry with me that night as he had thought I had let him down and then it all escalated .. as a result in the two or so hour walk home from the mountain  he had his arse kicked by a horse which had caught him unawares, had sore feet from his trainers that I had bought him and after throwing them in my pool and emptying the rubbish bin over my car,  he had got into a fight with a gypsy who ripped his jacket and stole his radio.

Subsequently his night ended by being arrested by the police for possession of weed when they were called to attend the scene of the fight with the gypsy!

Valeri was a live wire and trouble seemed to find him as he was his own worst enemy! Like everything else about him, things would occur and escalate to become extreme which would leave him feeling bewildered and not fully able to understand the trail of destruction he had left behind him!

He had indeed had a very bad day and was full of remorse!

I was sorry for him to have landed himself in so much bother due to him jumping to conclusions about the reasons for not meeting at the mountains and him thinking the worse!

On him relaying the mess he had got himself into and his regretful and sorrowful face peaking over the wall which was like a lost puppy my heart went out to him especially when he admitted that it was all his own making and he realised that it had to change.

I just said to him what are we going to do with you and laughed!

Valeri said he was lost without me in his life and although he knew I wasn't going to get back with him, he said he needed to have my friendship in his life as I was the only friend he had and the only person who he trusted and he could talk to.

He asked if he could lay low at mine for a bit in the cottage in the grounds and do some gardening to keep him from  thinking too much and getting into any further trouble by winding himself up to which I agreed!

He was so grateful and promised me that I wouldn't regret it and promised me that if I wanted him to leave at any time he would go.

Valeri needed a friend to talk to and to stop him from getting lost in his thoughts and letting them escalate to cause him to land himself in trouble which he was now realising he had to do something about.

Valeri felt safe at my place and I could see no problem with him being in the cottage and keeping himself occupied by doing some gardening.

At first he was great and stayed away from the villa and just got on with it in the day and slept in the cottage at night.

Within days I had allowed him back into the villa where he was happy to sleep in a room downstairs and just grateful to be in the villa as he felt safer. He said he would  do a bit of cleaning and cooking for his keep and to keep busy.

The arrangement was as friends and nothing more and he seemed to  accept this so at first it was working out well.

We talked alot and he shared many of the thoughts and feelings he had which would usually trigger his downward spiral into negativity, paranoia and then anger.

He was making a real effort to catch himself in the moment these thoughts and feelings started to rear they ugly head and do something to take his mind off it which was not easy for him but he was at least now trying to do.

However it was not long before I was regretting my decision to have him back into my life again as just a friend when he started blaming me for all the trouble he was in as well as for all the problems in his life.

Although he was not overly aggressive in his accusations towards me, I was finding it increasingly difficult to find the patience to keep having to defend myself against these absurd allegations and talk over the same things time and time again.


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