Valeri seemed ready to be released

For the rest of the time Valeri was in the hospital he was not sedated and he seemed to have turned the corner and was finally on the mend.

Everytime I visited him he seemed positive, together and extremely remorseful for all his bad behaviour of the past.

Valeri said he no longer felt paranoid and this was backed up with him not once accusing me of anything or asking for explanations of past events or quizzing and questioning me about what I said.

Valeri did not seem to still harbour the resentment that he had had towards his family, friends and his past.

I did not ever get to speak to the Doctor again and it was clear Valeri had not got the help and treatment he should have but nevertheless it had done him some good.

Valeri talked about the future instead of the past and he was seemingly free of the burdens that had weighed so heavily on him for most of his life.

He just wanted to get out of that place and put it all behind him and start afresh.

Valeri told me that he had not been diagnosed with schizophrenia or any mental illness (which I believe now to be a lie) but admitted he had been suffering from paranoia as for years he let everything get on top of him but now after time away from it all and with reflection, he had got it all into perspective and could let it go and the paranoia was gone.

Valeri called me one day from the hospital to say that he could come home in a week so long as he had somewhere to go so he had told the hospital he could come to my house but wanted to make sure it was ok with me.. I agreed to it as how could I not but I was also looking forward to him getting out too.

I went to collect him on the day he was supposed to be released but I was told when I got there that it had been decided that he was to stay another week but I got no explanation for why..

The following week I went to see him and he told me they were considering keeping him in a few days more so he asked me to tell the hospital I was returning to England in a few days so that they would let him leave sooner.

Two days later Valeri was released but he did not call me to collect him. Instead he went to his grandmothers by bus and called me from there later that afternoon to ask me to collect him. I never asked him why but it seems weird to me now.

When I arrived at his grandmothers he was not happy that the hospital had lost his keys, his shoe laces and had handed him a bill for his stay. His grandmother was not happy as Valeri had drank all her milk so before we left we went to get her some more..

On the way back from the shop Valeri made a point of telling me how attractive and sexy he thought a woman who walked past us was (which if she was something special I could have accepted but she wasn't anything special), even turning back to look and remark that he was glad to be able to look at that after being in the hospital!

I turned to him and said have you no respect as I have been the one to support you through this ordeal with you claiming to love me and to have missed me more than anything else and yet 10 mins after I come to see you after being in a hospital for nearly two months you think to say that is acceptable.. I walked off to my car and he came running after me saying he was sorry and trying to make me jealous and not to leave him!

I let it go and we drove home.

Valeri seemed a bit lost at first which considering where he had been was of no surprise.

However he was pleased to be home and I was pleased to have him home again!


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