Dead bolts and CCTV and the snow

After Valeri had got into my home that night and had admitted he had been coming in and was able to get in any time even with an armed guard, I knew I was no longer safe.

The guard checked out the backdoor after I told him what Valeri had said and he confirmed that Valeri had indeed been able to get in with ease despite the new secure lock as he had adjusted it so he could lift the door to release the locking devise, no matter how strong the lock was.

The very next day I had deadbolts fitted to every door in the villa.

 I also had the top of the range CCTV cameras installed.

Five cameras that recorded everything, alerted me by alarm if anyone was in or around the grounds, and triggered lights by sensor and also took photos of anyone who was outside my villa front or back.

The cameras were so clear that I could see 20 meters in both directions of my street outside so I knew in plenty of time who was anywhere near my home and the surrounding areas long before they reached the villa.

Despite having all this, I was however not comfortable to be home alone so I kept the armed guard too for many weeks to follow.

The first night without the guard was not by choice but due to it snowing so heavily one day that it was nearly a meter deep in a space of a few hours which brought a halt to all being able to go anywhere by foot let alone by car.

That night I was glued to the CCTV monitors the entire night feeling so vulnerable that Valeri would be able to find a way to get to me as he was unstoppable and like a machine who could survive in the most adverse conditions ...

He did not come that night..

He came the next day despite more heavy snow falling, the temperature reaching -10 degrees and blizzard conditions..

I did not see or hear him come that day as I was so exhausted from not sleeping well the previous night that I was out for the count.

He did not enter the villa and I have no idea whether he had tried to but I knew he had been in the grounds as he had cleared the snow from the path and written a message to me in the snow saying sorry which I saw later that day when I woke up..

He came the next day and I saw him on the CCTV approaching the villa from the street. He rang the bell but I ignored him and I watched him walk away.

The temperature again that day was -10 degrees so I was sure he would not want to hang around for long or return when he knew I was not going to let him in and he could no longer get into the house but he did return and left logs for the fire outside my door and cleared the snow.

Valeri returned day after day to bring logs and clear the snow from the path.  He didn't try to get in or communicate with me, he just cleared the snow and left the logs and went.

The guard was unable to get to my home in the week of heavy snow,
 the police had closed the station as noone ventured outside in those extreme weather conditions (except Valeri) so I was starting to feel that he was not going to hurt me as if Valeri had wanted to get into my home or hurt me he knew he could and I would be helpless to stop him without a guard or police but he did not even try.

He just came every day to clear the snow and bring logs then went away.

Valeri had no proper clothing or shoes for temperatures that extreme but still he came everyday by foot without gloves and wearing sandal type shoes with many pairs of socks with a plastic bag over each one and layers of jumpers under his coat and a woollen bandana on his head with a basket of wood under his arm and stayed outside to clear the snow for an hour or so and then walk home, usually leaving me a kiss or heart in the snow that I could see from my bedroom window.

After a while, I was intrigued to see him and what he was wearing to improvise in the extreme cold and what message he would leave me.

I started to spy out of the window and I even started to chuckle to myself about it.

Valeri was absolutely eccentric and totally bonkers and he was so unbelievably relentless in his kind, caring and devoted nature as much as he was relentless in his paranoid, aggressive and abusive nature sadly.

Valeri was extreme in both the good and bad side of him.

Once the bad weather had past, the guard returned but only for a few days as I felt that Valeri would have hurt me during the snowy weather when I was most vulnerable if he was intending to hurt me but he had not.

Now I felt safe again that he would not be a problem.


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