It was not long before I knew I had made a mistake

It took a few days for Valeri to adjust to being home and in that time he was passive, humble, sorry about the things he had done and so very grateful to me for not giving up on him.

Valeri said over and over again he was so lucky to have me as he had noone and I was all that mattered to him now and to make me happy was all he cared about.

Valeri seemed to feel very guilty about what he had put me through and was worried whether I was able to forgive him but I reassured him that I did not hold it against him.

I had forgiven him and was starting to feel pleased too that I had not abandoned him!

My friends and family were dubious about me letting him back into my life but were supportive of my decision nonetheless.

Valeri was being absolutely fine and I felt no fear or danger. In fact he seemed timid and lacking in self assurance and confidence and needed a lot of reassurance that he would be ok.

However it was only a matter of a week or so of him being back that I received a call from a friend who was surprised about a message I had sent on facebook.. I had no idea what she was talking about!

I had a look at my facebook account and saw that Valeri had unbeknown to me replied to the message from my friend pretending to be me. 

The message had asked was I sure I was safe and doing the right thing after everything Valeri had put me through..

Pretending to be me he replied saying yes, the fault was all mine, I was the guilty one!

At first he denied he had accessed my account and that my friend must have been mistaken..

Understandably I was very upset that not only had he done it, he was now denying it but most of all I was upset about what he had written.

After everything we had been through and all he had said, surely he was not still thinking that I had been to blame for what he had done to me!

I asked him outright whether he thought this.

Valeri at first said nothing but when I said I could no longer have him in my home and I thought I should speak with his Doctor at the hospital he then said that it was not what he thought and went on to explain that he had only written that as he was frightened my friends and family would talk me out of helping him.

I was angry with him for not trusting me to be sure of my own decisions and for him doing himself no favours by now giving my friends and family something to worry about by undermining what I had said to them about my reasons for sticking by him as by pulling this stunt they would now have cause to worry about my decision.

Valeri seemed extremely sorry for what he had done and said he had not meant to cause harm. It was something he did in the spur of the moment which he said he regretted  straight away and wanted to tell me but he didnt know how as he thought I would definitely give up on him after that..

However I was more concerned about being sure that he was not still thinking that I was to blame for the times he had beaten me up and smashed up my home..

I told him that I needed to be certain that he did not have any thoughts about me being to blame and if he was now starting to have any doubts about it then he had to tell me before these thoughts took over.

Valeri was absolutely adamant that he had no doubts whatsoever. He knew I was not to blame for any of it and that he had not been getting any paranoia or bad thoughts and if he did he would tell me.

Valeri was not telling me the truth as he was still having paranoid thoughts and still held me to blame for what he had done to me which within a matter of weeks he could no longer hide.

I believe he never stopped having these paranoid delusions and that he also concealed them at the hospital in order to get out!

It was not long before the honeymoon period was over and he was back to being the same as he was before.

I knew that I had to get out of the relationship but I had no idea how.

The turning point for me was when I called my brother on his birthday on the 24th June (three weeks after Valeri had returned).

While on the phone to my brother, Valeri came storming into the room shouting at me that I was talking about him. I told him I was on the phone to my brother to wish him happy birthday.

My brother was on the other end of the phone in absolute shock at what he heard and asked me to put him on loud speaker which I did.

My brother said to Valeri that he was my brother and it was his birthday and he felt like I should be able to talk with him without any of the shit he was hearing.

My brother said we were not talking about him and asked him what the problem was as he did not like the way his sister was being spoken to.

Valeri said to my brother that he had no idea of what I was like and what I was doing to him. I was a bitch and a liar and he only knew my side of the story.

My brother said that he knew me very well and the kind of person I was and that I had told him nothing about Valeri so he had heard no side but he had heard enough from Valeri to get the picture. He also said that I was not a bitch or a liar and he wanted to speak to me now in private.

I went outside to speak to my brother and he said I had to get the hell out of there now. He also said he knew something was wrong before Valeri had even come into the room as he could sense the fear in my voice.

I promised him I would leave straight away as soon as I could buy a car as the car I had now was not going to get me home.

The moment I could I was going to leave him and drive back to the UK.

I had made a huge mistake to think he was going to change and I felt I had done everything I could now to help him but it was not my problem and he was not my responsibility!


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