I didnt know who to trust

After my escape from Valeri before he was able to hurt me, even kill me as he had threatened to, I ran to my apartment to decide what to do.

I knew it was safe for a bit as Valeri would not expect me to go there due to the door being kicked in so he would only look for me there as a last resort I hoped.

I rang the embassy and told them about what Valeri had said and that I felt I was in grave danger..

The Embassy told me to go to the police and tell them but as I pointed out, I did not trust the police either as I knew that they were not telling the truth about why they stopped me and had not done anything by the book!

I was not prepared to take the chance of them searching my home to find the drugs Valeri had planted and them arresting me for that too.

The police had already been underhand in the way they handled my arrest for drug driving and had lied about being tipped off by a drug dealer in Varna so I couldn't be sure that they had not been involved in setting me up with Valeri.

It was his word against mine and as things stood the police had already made it clear that I would not get help from them if I contacted them about Valeri as well as telling him that too. It seemed to me now that they had also told him of my plans to return to the UK so I was not prepared to trust them.

I booked myself a place to stay for a few days in a gated complex and I insisted that the Embassy did not tell the police where I was and to contact me via them if they needed to.

I could not leave the country until the blood test results were received which I was led to believe would be a couple of weeks so I just needed to keep myself safe in that time.

Valeri was calling me constantly and telling me he needed to talk to me about what had happened but I refused to see or speak to him.

After a few days he sent a message saying that the police had threatened him and if he now did not give them a name of a drug dealer, they would put him back in the hospital! He was frightened and so was I as I knew he would do anything not to go back to the hospital!

I agreed to see him and said I would inform the Embassy and get a lawyer to help me and him if he was prepared to make it right to which he agreed.

Valeri suggested that we both stay in the apartment as the police did not know where it was and we would be safe there. He said he was sorry for what he had done but he had no choice and he knew now the police had tried to turn him against me!

I was hesitant to be in the same apartment with him but eventually he convinced me that he would not hurt me so I agreed as I could not take the risk of the police getting to him and him giving them a name of a dealer so they could use this to back up their claims that it was a drug dealer who had tipped them off.

I had the name and number of a lawyer who could help and tried to set up a meeting to see him but he did not speak English and so I had to rely on Valeri to make it happen which he seemed reluctant to do as he was scared of what the police would do if he made a statement against them. However he did eventually contact the lawyer.

Valeri said the lawyer thought it best to meet once the blood test results were received and we could take it from there!

Two weeks passed and the results were not received and I was insistent that Valeri ask the lawyer to see us sooner as I didnt want to wait any longer as in the meantime the police had stopped me in the street a few days earlier and handed me a form to sign which was in Bulgarian but they claimed it just said they had retained my driving licence when I was arrested.

Valeri read it after and informed me that it actually said I had been banned from driving for 18 months.

It was going from bad to worse and Valeri was going from bad to worse too!

One night he flared up as I had sprayed bug spray in the apartment and as a result he burned all the documents that I had from the police to do with my arrest!

Without these I could not see the lawyer!

The British Embassy spoke to the police about getting copies but the police said that I did not need them until the blood test results were received and they were ready to charge me!

I was up shit creek without a paddle!


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