Karma is a wonderful thing

The beating from Valeri was not as severe as it had been in the past and was short lived this time thankfully..

I had been winded by the punch in the stomach which after felt tender and sore and resulted in me having stomach pains for the rest of the day as well as made me throw up a few times. I had a few bruises on my thighs too but it was not the physical pain that hurt me, it was the emotional pain that he could do that and that I then had to accept his apology after and let it go without being able to express my inner feelings and emotions about  how much I fucking hated him for doing it and how fucking ignorant, stupid, pathetic and weak I thought he was for doing it, thinkinÄ£ he was able to control me and break me by doing it!

Valeri was so fucking delusional that when I was throwing up later that day and complaining of stomach pains, he was acting all concerned about what was making me so unwell without seeming to consider that maybe it was because he had punched me there. He even went to the reception to find out if there was a local Doctor. When he returned he informed me that reception had told him there was a stomach bug going around which must be the cause of my ailments and that I would feel better in 24 hours. He told me to rest and all that night he was nursing me and ensuring I had all I needed, even making me special herbal drinks to aid my recovery from this stomach bug, seemingly completely oblivious to the fact that I had stomach pains and was sick because he had punched me so hard in the stomach earlier that day! I just kept crying and I could hardly look at him but I said nothing! I tried not to speak to him at all except when I had to and then I kept it brief! Valeri put this down to me feeling unwell!

It was the very next evening that karma was served..

Valeri had gone out to train and while he was doing stretching exercises using the wall of a nearby property, three men appeared in a car and without any reason started to attack him which resulted in him having a black eye, a swollen jaw and a few other cuts and bruises.

It turned out to be a case of mistaken identity and these men had thought he was an intruder as they had had their home broken into a few weeks ago so had jumped to the wrong conclusion when they saw him outside when using the wall to do his stretches!

Valeri was absolutely incensed and outraged by the audacity of these three men to beat him for no reason without any warning or without giving him the opportunity to explain why he was outside the property!

Valeri was appalled that these 'thugs' had thought it was acceptable to beat him up rather than act like civilized human beings and communicate with him to clear up any misunderstandings.

He was of the opinion that these people were of low mentality and only low life's would resort to using violence as they lack the ability to show any self control or respect for themselves and others!

He was insulted that after they beat him first and then asked questions later, that they then apologised and expected him to accept this and let it go!

I agreed totally with everything Valeri said as that was exactly what I had felt about him everytime he beat me up for no reason!

I even said that as far as I was concerned no person ever has the right to inflict violence against another person no matter what that person had done and as for those that do it for no reason at all, well they are not only weak minded and ignorant people, they are underdeveloped humans who have basic life skills and lack intelligence and more like animals. 

Valeri couldn't agree more! For me it felt good to be able to finally say to him what I was really thinking about him even if it was in an indirect way!

He was going to go to the police about it as he could not let these thugs get away with it!

I looked at him in utter bewilderment as to how he was not seeing himself as the same if not worse than these men as afterall he had attacked me and hurt me for no reason just the day before!

I felt no sympathy for him whatsoever and a part of me was actually pleased that it had happened to him but I was also disappointed that he could not see the injustice of his actions towards me but was nonetheless aware that it was inexcusable behaviour when he was the victim!

He had got his karma nevertheless this time!


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