My family came and suspected I was crazy

The realisation that I was alone without knowing if I was safe was not the best situation to be in. However I did not want to see anyone as I trusted noone!

Georgi came early one morning and was ringing the bell, knocking the door and even threw stones at the window to get my attention but I ignored him.

For the next few days I barricaded myself in the villa. I had no working phone and therefore I had no way of contacting anyone in the UK or them contacting me! I really was alone!

I hardly slept and when I did I had a knife and a baseball bat close to hand and if I heard the slightest sound, I was up and armed with these and so much adrenalin that I felt not such much fear but anger!

I had not showered for days as I could not be sure that I would be able to hear if there was an intruder whilst in the shower so felt I would be too vulnerable to do so.

It was therefore no real surprise then when my father, his wife and my step sister arrived in Bulgaria after 4 days of me being on high alert, without much sleep or showering, being greeted by what must have appeared to them, by a wild woman, armed and dangerous, that their first assessment of my mental state was that I had completely lost the plot!

The following few days I managed to convince them of nothing else except to confirm to them that it was worse than they thought and I was delusional, probably schizophrenic and therefore unaware that not only was the story of the hacking a figment of my imagination, it was probable that I was the one doing the hacking and the other strange occurrences but perhaps not even aware I was the one doing it!

Needless to say I was swiftly taken to a pychriatric hospital in Varna for assessment!

Although I knew I was not crazy, it sounded that way even to me, when I was filling them in on the bizarre happenings of the past few months!

Of course the pychriatrist declared me sane but could see I was extremely on edge and anxious which was of no surprise really after months of fear from my personal life being invaded by an internet hacker, my boyfriend being exposed as a serial cheat and subsequently leaving me alone in a new country, my uneasiness to find Valeri in my home despite the doors being locked and finally my family arriving only to disbelieve everything I had been through and actually believing I was a total nutcase and capable of not only deluding myself these things had happened but also that I may have been doing them and unaware of it!

I was prescribed some pills by the Dr to treat the anxiety which helped but I was fighting a losing battle trying to convince my family that all the things that had go on were not a figment of my imagination so I decided to just let it go and not mention it again for fear of being carted off to a mental institution!

Once I was displaying signs of normality, eating, sleeping and showering, my family were satisfied I was fit enough for them to keave. As a safety measure they insisted on speaking to Georgi, who was the only friend I had in Bulgaria, and asked him to 'babysit' me, to which he agreed.

Georgi came every day to visit and to make sure all was ok..

I did mention to him my concerns about Valeri but he managed to convince me that I had nothing to worry about and I was probably just over sensitive due to the stresses of the previous months.

I let it go and Valeri started to come daily too to help me out!


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