Eventful three weeks followed

The next three weeks following the 7th November were a whirlwind!

The week after Georgi, Valeri and I went to Varna as we all had errands to run.

We dropped Georgi off on the way to see his grandmother and Valeri and I  went to do what we needed to do and before heading back Valeri had to pop in to see his grandmother too.

I was happy to wait in the car but he insisted that I should meet her as she was a character!

His grandmother spoke no English and after a frosty reception due to her first thinking I was Russian, she was very welcoming on hearing I was English (but spoke to me using the few  German words she knew).

It was a funny experience and made all the more entertaining when Valeri informed myself and Georgi on the way home that she had thought I was Valeri's girlfriend and had said that she could stop worrying about him now he had an English wife to be!

Valeri claimed that he did not put her straight as this assumption meant she was off his case for now to which we all laughed!

In hindsight it was no assumption on his grandmothers part but what Valeri had led her to believe!

This became apparent when a few days later, he was upset and accused me of laughing at the idea of being together due to me thinking I was superior to him being Bulgarian because I was English..

In fact his insecurities became the source of many unfounded accusations and outbursts attacking my character due to being English. All of which resulted in me doing my utmost to reassure him that this was not the case.

Georgi and another friend Yordan had their birthday a few days before mine so it was decided that we should celebrate by having a meal at mine which Valeri wanted to cook.

It all started well but Valeri was off with me and made it clear to all that he was not happy but was speaking in Bulgarian so although I got the message he was annoyed with me, I was not aware of the reason why!

In the end I left them to it and went to my room for a while.

When I returned downstairs I decided to ask what the problem was and could one of them explain in English for me.

Georgi and Yordan proceeded to explain that Valeri felt like I did not respect him and saw him as the home help and not as a friend and equal because I had been quite direct and assertive with him of late. I explained that this was not the case and if I had been a little short with him, it was only because I felt attacked by his constant accusations, insults  and put downs for being English which I felt were disrespectful and stereotypical especially as he was a guest in my home.

Valeri carried on being rude by continuing to speak about me in an unfavourable manner which when I pointed out was somehow lost on Georgi but Yordan understood. However he was not listened to when he tried to make the point on my behalf.

Georgi saw no problem in Valeri being rude and abusive to me in my home and put it down to us being as bad as each other. When I pointed out that I found it not only disrespectful  but quite fearful to be subjected to Valeri's verbal abuse and insults, Georgi was quick to reassure me that I had nothing to fear as Valeri would never hurt me!

Valeri was very off when my birthday came and refused to get involved in the celebrations so I ended up spending most of it with Yordan.

This as I later found out made Valeri feel jealous but he denied that this was the case when Yordan asked him what was up with him.

Valeri disappeared that evening returning in the early hours very apologetic about his behaviour and wanted to explain it to me.  He asked if I minded if he asked Yordan and a few other friends to leave which seeing as the night was drawing to a close anyway I had no issue with.

Valeri was very honest claiming that the reason for all his bad behaviour of late was due to him being head over heels in love with me!

I was clearly flattered as he was an extremely handsome man and he seemed to had thought it through and all my reservations about the age difference, not wanting a relationship for fear of being hurt or hurting him, feeling  like I had nothing left to give at that time etc etc, he had an answer for it all!

He was extremely sweet and said he wanted nothing except for me to just give it a try and we could take it as slowly as I needed to and if I wanted out at any time he would honour my wishes... I was made to feel that I had nothing to lose as there was no pressure and he was fully aware of my concerns so I agreed to give him a chance!

Valeri was over the moon and I felt like I was the most beautiful girl in the world to him.

The following day was amazing and very romantic with him waking me up with flowers, breakfast and then him taking me to the beach where he wrote 'I love you' in the sand, then to a spot high in the cliffs where the views were breathtaking and where he first kissed me!

It was like a fairy tale at first and I was glad to have taken the chance as he made me feel like I was the luckiest girl in the world.

I felt truly blessed and I was very happy and excited about the future and even felt that all the heartache of the previous months and the end of Steven and I were worth it to now be in a relationship with this perfect guy!


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