We had made it to safety

The car was now securely on the shuttle and the doors were closed and ready for departure!

The next stop was England!

Now I was feeling excited to be going home and I couldn't wait to be in England again!

I txt my family and friends to tell them and got replies to say thank god and at last from most!

My brother's txt said that he was relieved and was on his way to Wales for a few days as he needed a break after all the stress so that ruled out us staying with him which I was kind of banking on!

My ex boyfriend txt back and asked where we were going to stay and said that we were welcome to stay with him for a few days and so I accepted his offer, very grateful to have a place to go to. Lula would be pleased to see him for certain as she was his dog too afterall and I knew that he was looking forward to seeing her again so it was the ideal solution! I felt happy about it too as he knew about Bulgaria and just how different it was and so I knew that I would not have to explain myself and all that had happened in Bulgaria to him so it was probably the best option all round!

When the shuttle started moving I just couldn't quite believe it that in 35 minutes I would be driving off on to English soil!

Of course when we reached England it was raining, grey and overcast but it made me smile to myself! Yep! I was definitely home!

Within a few miles of being back on English soil my fuel light came on and I knew that I had approx enough petrol to get about 60km which was not going to get me home but I was not particularly worried about it as I was in England now and I could fill up at any petrol station and just say I could not find my bank card and would be given 7 days to pay for it!

So much more civilised than Bulgaria!

I filled up at the next garage and got myself some cigarettes and some food and I was away again in no time with an invoice to pay for it in 7 days! Result!

After hitting traffic on the M25 and it raining the whole way back,  I arrived in Hertfordshire at just before 8pm, cold, tired, in need of a shower and a change of clothes but home safely and to a comfortable bed that I climbed straight into and fell asleep in as soon as my head hit the pillow.


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