Intruder in the internet

As you may recall from the early pages of my story, not long after moving to Bulgaria to live our dream life our internet was hacked into and all our devices were one by one being controlled by an unknown intruder. Everything from our laptops, our apple phones, Ipods, our TVs and the Kodi box and despite changing the internet provider and reporting the hacking to apple and o2 who would claim that there was not a problem, the hacker was still able to control all of our devices and was even rediculing the security of these devices which we were told were not able to be hacked!

I am certain now that the cyber  intruder was Valeri and possibly Georgi plus another man who was the computer expert and whom I believe was able to hack into the internet initially however I believe that Valeri carried it on long after the others did and they may not have been aware that he was still continuing to stalk us via this method!

Writing about the hacking of our internet and subsequently all our digital devices being infiltrated is something I will write about  honestly and openly to try and explain to you what the sequence of events were, no matter how bazaar it will seem to you as the reader! It seems crazy to me!

I have left this part to last as I still find it very difficult to deal with as it was such a terrifying ordeal in which I felt that I had no control over my life and no privacy.

I felt as if my whole past was being taken away and erased bit by bit!

Over this time, the intruder wiped out pretty much everything I held on my computer and phone from photos to contact details of everyone I had ever known as well as my personal info and files which I had kept digitally for well over 10 years as well as change my login ids and my passwords to all of my online accounts and either blocked me from gaining access or shut them down! It was all being erased over time and I could do nothing about it! Sadly I have lost all of this stuff for good and I have tried so hard to try and get it back but the hacker erased all records and accounts that I had with such expertise that apple can find no record that my account ever existed!

Believe me, it was an experience that we could not explain or understand at the time and alot of what happened we still dont understand nor can we explain now as it was more like something from a James Bond film and totally unbelievable to us too! We not only had to deal with it but also had to try to convince others of the far fetched, seemingly secret service/MI5/FBI type things that we endured for over 2 months which made us question our own sanity. Especially when the intruder would show us footage of our home and even the inside of our bedroom which made it clear that he was able to monitor and see everything that we were doing.

However incomprehensible it all seems, it happened and was not in our heads sadly!

At first I was reluctant to acknowledge that the strange occurrences on my laptop were nothing more than coincidence despite how odd it seemed!

For example, Steve and I would have a conversation about various things from our philosophy of life to music and films as well as many other topics from one extreme to the other... then as if by coincidence these discussions were reflected in adverts, suggestions and recommendations on the laptop as personal interests for sites such as Pinterest, music downloads, related news topics etc.

At first I would say well thats a coincidence, we were only talking about this or that recently.. I saw it as nothing more than coincidence and neither did Steve!

However it became clear that this was no coincidence and I started to think that my laptop had a mind of its own!

I would look for something online by searching by words and phrases that I thought would take me to the place I needed but it would take me to somewhere completely different but always to something that had been relevant to a conversation that Steve and I had had previously or were having at that time!

At first I just discounted it as my personal error and thought that perhaps as we were talking about that subject I may have subconsciously typed it in myself but it wasn't the case especially when it started happening all the time!

It was as if my laptop was actively involved in the conversation!

I even commented to Steven on a few occasions that I felt that my laptop had a mind of its own.

It would be on standby and then fire itself up again and in the middle of the night I would hear music playing that was coming from my laptop so I would shut it down only for it to reboot itself!

My icons and homepage would be rearranged and with a different screen saver. Often pictures of me that I had not ever used as a screen saver!

Then the same things started happening on my iPhone and then on Steve's iphone!

At first the intruder was silent and although we felt like someone was definitely hacking into our devices it was initially in the background but it wasn't long before he was interacting with us and communicating with us even speaking to us using the Siri on our phones....

Tbc ......this chapter is not the easiest for me to revisit so I will have to write about it in stages and when I feel ready to go back there again over time so please bare with me


  1. have you recovered now i have same issues with my narc wife

    1. I have certainly recovered from it emotionally and I have accepted it and come to terms with it all and no longer feel anger. However I do miss my home still terribly and of course I still have the pending charges against me that have now been outstanding for 15 months so my life is still suffering from the relationship in legal and financial ways but I feel like I'm a much stronger person than I thought I was and that I know myself far better in respect to what I can accomplish when pushed to extreme and I now know that I can handle anything that life throws at me and still remain true to myself.. there is always a positive to every negative and I believe that once you see it then you are through it and have moved forward.. stay strong


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