He was not giving up but we had closure

At first all was ok with no guard in the daytime.

The guard had given me an extendable baton that I had on me at all times when I left the villa and I hadnt bumped into Valeri once when I had gone out so I was not scared any more.

The police were driving by in the day at the request of my guard and I now had deadlocks on all the doors which were expensive but worth every penny to me.

I felt safe!

Valeri had rang the bell at the gate on a few occasions like he had done even when the guard was there but he left when I did not answer and had not entered the grounds of the villa since that first night with the guard (or so I thought but found out later that he had).

Another day came with Valeri ringing the bell at the gate and leaving when he got no reply.... however this time he had not gone away and to my surprise I saw him standing outside the dining room patio doors which scared the shit out of me.

He was in his tennis gear with his tennis racket in his hand and said he was just passing and could we talk.

I refused and asked him to leave otherwise I would get my guard but he would not go and he said he knew that I was alone with no guard.

He was being very nice but I did not want to talk to him but he would not leave so eventually I said I would hear him out, so talk..

Then he said he wanted to talk face to face so could I let him in. I refused!

He then tried to force the front door but as I had had a new lock fitted he could not barge it open.

I told him that I would call the police unless he went away.

He started to get nasty and threatening me to open the door saying that the police would not come as they thought I was crazy! but I refused to open the door and ran upstairs and locked myself in the bathroom and called the police.

The police arrived within minutes and on seeing them Valeri ran but they picked him up within minutes.

Valeri told them he was on his way to play tennis hence why he was in the area and had not been at my home.

The police did not believe him as his tennis racket was in my garden!

Valeri then said he wanted to get the message over to me to leave him alone and stated that I had gone to his home.

The police asked if I had gone to his home which I admitted but he was talking about the time weeks ago that I went there but trying to make out it was more recent.

The police removed him but reprimanded me for going to his home as they did not understand it was weeks ago and thought by doing that I had encouraged him. It was a mistake that I regretted and since then I had made no contact or responded to his contact but yet again the police saw Valeri coming that day as my fault!

The police did not stop Valeri from hanging around outside my villa and so he would walk past daily many times.

I did not like it but I was sure that he could not get in the villa now that the doors had secure locks and if he came into the grounds in the day I could call the police and at night I had the guard.

I was in the utility room one morning when I heard a knock on the back door.

I knew instantly it was him but I had left my phone upstairs and I knew he would see me if I went to get it so I kept quiet and hoped he would go away if he thought I was not home.

Lula who was upstairs at the time, came downstairs and went to the backdoor and stopped barking when she saw him and I hoped when he saw that I did not go to see who was there, he would go away thinking I was out.

I heard him try the door which was locked and then he went to the front door and tried that one which was also locked.

Valeri then returned to the back door and I heard him say that I must be out... he then forced the door and much to my surprise it opened and I heard him come inside.

I was absolutely terrified and tried to stay as quiet as I could but I felt sure he would hear my breathing as to me it sounded so loud.

Valeri went upstairs and I quickly locked the utility room door and hid in the corner.

He came back downstairs and I heard him open the fridge and get a drink. He was talking to Lula and saying where is your mummy, is she here?

I was so frightened and I hoped to god Lula did not realise that I was in the utility room and go to the door but thankfully she didnt!

Valeri left after a few minutes by the backdoor but it seemed like a lifetime.

I stayed in the utility room for ages after in case he had not really gone and had shut the backdoor to make me think he was gone and was waiting for me in the kitchen.

When I eventually unlocked the door and came out he was gone.

I ran to the backdoor and it was locked still so I couldn't quite understand how he had got in...

I rang the guard straight away who came within 30 minutes.

I was distraught!

At first the guard questioned whether I had maybe left the door unlocked but I was adamant that it was locked.

The guard tried the door and even tried forcing it but it didnt open and he said that it would be impossible for Valeri to have entered unless it was unlocked as it was a secure lock.

I knew it was locked but I had to accept in the end that maybe I had made a mistake and it was not locked.

Thereafter every day when the guard left in the morning, he would double check to see it was locked and I would only use the front door to go out.

A few days later, I was walking on the beach when Valeri appeared out of nowhere.

I froze at first then started to walk backwards and shouted at him to stay away.

He had a rock from the beach in his hand and ran towards me..
I had the extendable baton in my pocket and was just about to get it out when he dropped the rock and started laughing, then just picked me up and swang me around saying that I was his beautiful wife who he loved with all his heart!

I was shaking like a leaf and he kept saying that I had nothing to fear and he was not going to ever hurt me again!

I asked him to stand back from me and let me leave but he insisted that I was safe and he would not stand in my way to leave the beach and he only wanted a few minutes to say sorry for everything and he knew it was over and he had accepted that now.

I screamed at him that he had just ran at me with a rock in his hand and he started to laugh that it was in poor taste but he was not intending to scare me as all he wanted to do is give me a hug..
He had the rock because he was smashing open nuts which he did then show me.

Valeri was very apologetic and seemed to now understand that because of what he had done we could not be together and how he knew he needed help which he was going to get.  He said he did not expect me to be with him ever again but he wanted to know if he got help and could prove to me that he would never hurt me again whether over time there was a slim chance of me ever considering being with him again.

He told me he had never loved anyone as much as he loved me and never would again. He asked me if I loved him even if only a little bit still.

I told him that I did still have feelings for him but love was not enough as it was toxic so I would rather be alone than unhappy and I was not sure if I could ever forgive him for hurting me or trust him again. I also told him that I did not think I wanted to even try to trust him again either and I felt I wanted to move on and be free and had no desire to have a relationship with anyone.

Valeri said he understood but he was sure we were meant to be and could be happy so he would never give up on me and would do what it took to win my heart again even if it took the rest of his life.

There was a part of me that bought into the dream of a happy ending and hoped he would do what it took to win me back. He was the Valeri who I knew again and I enjoyed being in his company again.

We ended up speaking for hours and lost track of time so when we started to walk back to my car and was saying goodbye, my guard appeared.

He had been looking for me everywhere as it was gone 6pm and I was supposed to be home a few hours ago..

The guard got out of his car with his gun in hand and told Valeri to get away from me but I explained that I was ok and that he had not done anything wrong and was only talking to me to apologise..

I told Valeri to leave and said I would speak to him another day and went home with the guard.

I had missed that side of Valeri that I seen again and felt happy to have spent time with him that day but I was not going to jump back into a relationship with him.

I hoped he would do all the things he said he would for his benefit in the main and I was glad he had realised that we were over but I was also glad that he loved me still and I hoped one day that maybe it could be different and we could have a happy ever after no matter how far away that seemed right now.

For now however I did not want any further contact with Valeri and I was going to continue moving forward with my life.

We had made peace and left on good terms and I felt certain that he would now concentrate on getting the help he needed and we both had closure on the relationship and could now both move forward seperately and if it was meant to be then one day our paths would crosd again.


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