No contact but still able to come by

Before the guard was to come no more, he made sure  my home was impenetrable as well as advise me on the procedures to follow in case of emergency including escape routes from all different floors of the villa and the safest places in the house to get to as well as different spots to keep an accessible weapon until I could call the police for assistance.

Knowing that I had little faith in the police, the guard also summoned them to come to my home to relay where I would be should I need to call them so they could reach me swiftly.

He gave them a good talking to about it being their job to protect me which he felt they had failed to do so far especially given that Valeri was seemingly not deterred by them whatsoever as he had been coming to my villa in the snow and although was not let in he still climbed over the 7 ft perimeter wall into the grounds which the police had failed to stop him doing.
The guard was almost ridiculing them and the police seemed embarrassed to be held in so little regard by him.

In fact the police were very subservient to the guard which although surprised me, also pleased me to for them to be brought down a peg or two.

I had suspected the guard was mafia when I hired him but I did not ask questions about it.

However I did not realise that the police were already openly aware of it too or just how much power the mafia had in Bulgaria that allowed them openly to operate above the law without anyone questioning it as even the police did not and seemed to have accepted that their status was below the mafia.

Before leaving the police reassured the guard that they would contact Valeri and make it clear that he was not to enter the grounds of the villa again uninvited and if he did they would not help him or intervene should I  inform the guard who would then be within his rights to deal with it as he wished even if that meant shooting him as he had be warned.

Valeri knew the police would be powerless as afterall the guard had shot at him before in the street and the police looked the other way.

Valeri did not enter the grounds again after that but he still came back everyday and rang the bell at the gate which even a restraining order would not be able to stop him doing.

So long as he did not enter my property univited which included my car if I was out in it, then he was not breaking any law by passing by or ringing the bell at the gate and I was safe so long as I did not let him in.

Valeri came by everyday and sometimes many times a day. He would ring the bell, I would ignore him and he would eventually walk away.

This happened everyday for nearly a month.

I would check the cameras before I went out in the car and if I passed him on the street when driving I did not acknowledge him but he would wave and almost looked surprised when I carried on without even looking at him.

When I returned home to see him in my street, I would just drive by and go elsewhere until he was gone.

I changed my routine and stopped going out at the same time or the same places to walk Lula and go to the shops at different times or in different towns. I would park my car in different places and in another street sometimes so he would not know if I was home or not. I would also leave the lights on all the time at night if I was there or not.

I was sure that he would eventually give up and stop coming but he did not!

He was like a love sick teenager!


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