Remember, remember the 7th of November

November 2017 was an eventful month!

November 7th became a date that is now imprinted within me forever for reasons that I will explain fully later on.

However for now it is the day that I had had enough of being told what to do!

I had listened to endless lectures of what I shouldnt and couldnt do as well as what I needed to do to become this person that I didn't want to be.. I was happy being the way i was but no matter how many times I tried to politely ask Valeri to stop telling me what he thought was best for me and allow me to just be, he would carry on regardless!

He was just a friend  but it felt like he was my parent, boss or owner at times!

One evening when I had arranged for Georgi and a few of his friends to come over to have some drinks and let my hair down, Valeri  decided that I should cancel the plans seeing as earlier that week he had decided that we should start a health regime eating only fruits and nuts and drinking just spring water which I had succumbed to under duress to keep the peace!

However after 5 days of having this regime forced upon me, it was a welcomed idea put forward by Georgi for drinks on the Fri to which I agreed!

Valeri went on and on... at first he was asking me to cancel but when I refused, he changed tactics by accusing me of being weak as well as letting him and myself down to not wish to continue with the health regime he had put us on!

I explained calmly at first that I did not see the issue of having my friends over for drinks and that he was welcome to join us but if he would prefer to stay on the health kick, that was his choice and he could stay at mine or go home if he preferred but I was going to have the drinks party as that was my choice and I didnt feel it was his place to tell me what I could and couldn't do!

He went on and on putting pressure on me by becoming more insulting and putting me down and I just snapped!

I had asked him time and time again to stop telling me how to live my life!

I had had enough of being told what to do by a friend who was a guest in my home so it was probably long overdue for me to put my foot down and say enough is enough which is exactly what I did!

It was the first time I had ever raised my voice to him but it had to be done!

Valeri was clearly hurt that I had shouted at him and that I said if he had a problem with the choices that I make for my life and what I wish to do in my home then he could always leave...

After Georgi and friends arrived, Valeri stayed but he was very off and tried to cause an atmosphere which in the end resulted with him and Georgi arguing and him leaving.

I did try my best to get him to stay to keep the peace but he left anyway which at the time was for the best!

He returned at the end of the night when Georgi and friends had just left. He was still being stroppy so I went to bed and left him to it...

He woke me up during the night and was upset and accused me of many silly things from laughing at him behind his back with Georgi and friends, then to thinking more of Georgi than him...

To me it seemed that he just wanted reassurance that I still saw him as a good friend which after I did reassure him of, he was ok and all was fine again... or so I thought but it turned out to be something that he held against me and I would come to suffer for greatly in the coming months!


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