Only the start of my way to freedom

I was safe in Varna with my dog in a tiny basement apartment that was in a building hidden away in the back streets and had two sets of locked gates to enter the garden before even getting to the apartment itself which was tucked round the back of the building and had another two locked doors before being
able to gain entry and Valeri was in Golden Sands, 20km away!

He had my laptop still and therefore still able to access my email accounts so to throw him off the scent of me being in Varna, I booked a few rooms in Golden Sands and the surrounding area via my account which I knew he had access to and I knew he would definitely check to try and find me. The places I  booked were all quite a distance from each other and didn't charge a no show fee so I had no need to cancel them so I knew that he would not know for sure which of those places I was at or could be going to until the next day when the email to confirm I was a no show appeared in my account. Besides he would have been sure that I was still in Golden Sands as he was fully aware that I was not able to take Lula in a taxi or on public transport so he wouldn't have thought for one moment that I had actually done so.

With time to breathe now I felt sure I was safe, I just now needed to figure out what the hell to do next which I knew had to be to try and find a way to get me and my dog out of the country and back to England.

By no means an easy task when I had no money, no passport, no driving licence as well as being banned from driving in Bulgaria, no way to travel except to drive because of my dog, no transport as my car was in the garage until I could pay the 2000 lv repairs cost and officially I was not allowed to leave the country due to my outstanding drug driving offence that I was awaiting charges for.

Yes! It was a bit of a mess! Leaving Valeri was the easy part and now I was facing the real challenge and I was up against it, not only because of all the things above but because I knew that it would only be a matter of time before Valeri worked out that I was not in Golden Sands and he would not let up until he found me!

He was calling and messaging me every minute night and day begging me to come back and claiming to be sorry and saying he was ok again now and I would be safe as well as telling me that he had a 1000 lv to give me!

I just ignored him  and didn't answer his calls or respond to his messages and three days later when he would not let up, I sent one message to say that it was over and I didn't want him to contact me again and I hoped he would find himself a young beautiful girl now and that I hoped he realised now that I was not standing in his way...


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